Monday, September 12, 2011

Free Warrant Search

These days most states offer a free warrant search service threough the Internet. Thanks to the Freedom of information act, government departments are required to make information available to the public, with the exception of state and federal secrets, and information which violates person's privacy for no good reason.

In the past, you would have had to pay a fee to virtually every state to cover administrative costs, but this was in the days when getting an arrest warrant to you meant manually searching through filing cabinets and then producing a photocopy and mailing it to you. If the state could not charge a fee but this, their expense would become prohibitive when you consider all the different people questioning arrest warrant and other public records.

Arrest warrants are stored by the courts, with copies being distributed to the police forces and other public agencies.

There are some states, counties or courts that will charge you a fee to access these records, but these days this is the exception rather than the rule.

So while it's possible to do a free warrant search, the one thing you need to become aware of the fact that it can very time-consuming. You need to visit lots and lots of different websites, because information can be stored at the County or state level, and you will need to do this search for each state to make sure that you have covered every single possibility.

This is why private detectives can charge a lot money to provide this service - what you're paying for their time.

However, there is a website which can take all this time out of the equation for you. It provides access to a database of all public records in the entire United States, stored in a database and cross referenced so that you can do a simple search and get all the information about a person from the entire country.

In order to use the service you just need to pay a small fee. While the search is not entirely free, price is very low and I'm sure you'll agree that your time is worth something.

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