Monday, October 31, 2011

Free Live Internet TV

Free live Internet TV is probably not as used or popular as it should be. There are two major problems that for some reasons are still blocking the evolution of this way of communicating. The first problem is technological, as up to today, the overall connection and picture quality of life events cannot be guaranteed, as for regular video feed into TV. There is also a continuity issue that sometimes creates an unpleasant breaks of communication.

However, the second real and most important problem that free live Internet TV is facing today, is all about copyrights and advertising. Usually live events, such as sports or live concerts are among the most expensive shows to purchase and unless there is a major advertising selling, there is no way that any TV-based network could afford to pay for broadcasting a live event. Of course, as the Internet grows faster and regular TV networks will switch for good to the web, it is easy to say that everybody will have full access to major live events.

For the time being, free live Internet TV is mostly smaller productions or events that are of a political or cultural importance. Many small producers and less popular artists are also taking full advantage of the Internet, often broadcasting live some of their work, that otherwise will remain unseen and no one will have the opportunity to enjoy and possibly learn from it. The road is still long, but at least we are on the right one and probably in a matter of just a few years, we will say goodbye to our TV sets to welcome our computer monitors in the middle of the living room.

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