I was very interested in finding out how the mainstream news media would portray Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally the day after the historic 08-28-10 event. Not surprisingly, the mainstream news media reporters and analysts', in fact, all their talking heads, were struggling with reporting and analyzing this historic event. They simply didn't get it. Yet, the numbers were so huge they couldn't ignore it, although that is precisely what they wanted to do.
Recall the news media coverage of the most honorable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s (MLK) "I Have a Dream" speech delivered at the same Lincoln Memorial location on August 28, 1963. At the time it was the largest gathering of people at that location in US history. Every minute of that rally received national news coverage and the news coverage went on for days.
The "Million Man March in Washington DC on October 16, 1995 which, in real numbers, didn't approach half the size of the advertised "million person" rally," still was a huge event. Like MLK's speech, it received considerable mainstream media coverage during and in the days following the event. By their sheer size, not to mention their wholesome message, those two historic rally's deserved no less then maximum news media coverage, and they received it.
When opponents of Glenn Beck angrily say that you can't compare Beck's rally to these other two events, they are correct. Glenn Beck's rally was bigger than them - and that's simply the truth. Some will argue that it was not historically as valid, but that's only because the mainstream media won't allow it to be. I'm not for a second suggesting that the "Restoring Honor" rally was in anyway better than the other two rallies. They both earned and deserve their place in history, no doubt about it. However, I contend, as do millions of other Americans that Glenn Beck's "Restoring Hope" rally was, as a minimum, at least as important as either of these other two rallies. Moreover, the mainstream media gave it no news coverage in the days and weeks prior to the event.
What is immediately noteworthy is that Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally was even larger than the two aforementioned rallies. The "Restoring Honor" rally is now the largest rally in American history. The size and magnitude of it simply cannot be diminished. It is genuinely historic for that reason alone. What baffles the mainstream media is how and why it could be so historically huge, yet they can't begin to understand it. Watching the liberal media talking heads attempt to explain this event was actually humorous. The nation got to see how confused and out of touch with the American people they really are.
The enormous and historic size of attendees' at Beck's rally, the largest in US history, happened without any of the daily discussion and national news coverage that went on for many weeks prior to MLK's rally and the "Million Man March" by the mainstream news media. That alone is something the mainstream media can't begin to explain, but Glenn Beck can. In fact, Glenn Beck did when he pointed to the heavens and rightly gave credit where it belonged.
The mainstream media couldn't even explain it away with a discussion about the message of the event. How could they? After all, they uniformly failed to get the message. The message of Glenn Beck's rally was every bit as wholesome, endearing, and important as either of the two aforementioned historic events. Beck's rally had a two-word title that was very simple and in no way deceiving. It was "RESTORING HONOR." The rally was both spiritual and patriotic. It was not "political."
The mainstay media could not conceive of why the largest crowned in American history would stand together without the utterance of a single political message and without a single political sign or banner. The message was about "Faith, Hope, and Charity" and how these attributes were required to "restore honor" in our nation.
Glenn Beck's rally remembered and praised our founding fathers and our founding documents (i.e., our Constitution). It rightly gave glory and honor to an almighty God whom our founding fathers worshipped and who blessed them and, in turn, our entire nation. The rally introduced and honored three great "civilian" American heroes in our own time. It especially honored the men and women in our armed forces who, throughout history, have secured our freedom.
Following the event all the mainstream media could do was to try to make sense out of what just happened. Why would so many heed the call of a talk show and radio host and mass in such large numbers, they wondered? They just couldn't understand it! Glenn Beck was simply a conduit for God Almighty Himself. He was a tool of God. Glenn Beck wasn't speaking to the masses. Rather, God was speaking through Glenn Beck. They masses came because they were responding to God, not a talk show host. They understood, as I do, that we dare not be jealous of he whom God has chosen to speak through?
The words coming from Glenn Beck's mouth on 08-28-10 were pleasing to and bowed in submission to almighty God. If God chooses to speak through Glenn Beck, just remember that God is omniscient and infallible. He never errors. GOD IS PERFECT.
You can tell whom God speaks through based on what is said and to whom the glory is given. In other words, Glenn Beck's words were God inspired. I don't care if God elects to speak to me through a doorknob; I want to hear what God wants to tell me.
The message for those in the mainstream media who struggled understanding this event is that they also need to get back to God so that they too can hear and understand HIM when HE wants them. God's message is for everyone.
Glenn Beck is NOT God, nor does he claim to be. He is a fallible sinner just like the rest of us. Glenn Beck is simply humbling himself before God and is answering Gods call to do God's will. He doesn't know or understand why he was chosen. He doesn't know what will be said until it is revealed to him.
God gave Glenn Beck a voice and forum from which to speak. He also gave him a massive audience so that they might hear and do what God wants them to hear and do. Could Glenn Beck still fall from God's grace? Absolutely! Of course he could, as could we all. Unfortunately, far to many among us have and that's explains why God felt the need to speak to us and warn us.
Glenn Beck didn't ask for this mission, But God gave it to him anyway. God knows best. He always has and He always will. Should Glenn Beck ever fall from grace or misrepresent our Lord's message, God will deal with him. We will know it by his words. So far, Glenn Beck seems to deserve Gods trust and he is blessed for it. So, respect the fact that God chose Glenn Beck for this mission. God knows exactly what He is doing and why He is doing it. We ought never forget the God also picked the Apostle Paul, probably the most unlikely man of his time to be so chosen.
For those heathens that would suggest that I am comparing Glenn Beck to the Apostle Paul, let me assure you that I do not claim that Glenn Beck is an apostle or anything other than an ordinary human being. I just think that God has chosen him for an extraordinary mission. Truth should be reviled, not dispelled or concealed.
This explains Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally. The rally was about "restoration." Here is a poem that I wrote and which has been published several times. I think adequate explains this phenomenon of restoration:
It is a mystery
yet it is real,
confused with the desire
to be made new
or to camouflage the old.
It is satisfied
with what began,
with preference for
the original plan.
It only desires
to be made whole,
to restore energy,
hope, and soul.
It is phenomenal
this restoration goal.
The other part of the "Restoring Honor" message had to do with "faith." Glenn Beck understands that faith is a gift from Almighty God Himself. Here is another of my frequently published poems that I think adequately explains the gift of faith:
People ask, "Do you have faith?"
Well, do you?
How do you know?
Do you even know the meaning of faith?
Can you comprehend "obligation?"
Do you understand "loyalty and fidelity"
to a person, promise, engagement, or a diety?
Can you accept the observance of your obligations,
the fidelity to your promises, oaths, and allegiances?
If so, you are blessed with faith.
If not, you are hopelessly devoid of faith's essence.
The value of faith cannot be measured.
It is more precious then any commodity
and cannot be bought nor sold.
If you lack it, faith is only
accessible through prayer.
No one is worthy of faith
and faith is never based on proof.
Faith is a heavenly gift,
a gift from "The Holy Spirit."
Becuase is neither earned or deserved,
it ought never be taken for granted.
Faith permits acceptance of our "Lord and Savior"
and HIS "Holy Sacrifice"
that alone can save our souls.
Faith is your connection to the divine.
If you lack faith, pray for it.
If you have faith, cherish it.
The final part of the "Restoring Honor" rally, which is to be achieved through "Faith, Hope, and Charity," involves "leadership." I noticed how Glenn Beck was looking for and appealing to others to seek out leaders amongst them. He wondered who would be the next George Washington. For the benefit of the so incredibly misguided and confused mainstream media, this final poem that I wrote will, hopefully, introduce you to the kind of leadership that is pleasing to God and for which I believe He spoke through Glenn Beck and others at the "Restoring Honor Rally:"
Trailblazers and bellwethers
who conduct with dignity
are these noble maestros
who shepard people.
Honorable and selfless
luminaries are these bold
inspirers of confidence.
Captains of courage
who lead by example.
Directors who orchestrate,
motivate, excite and
spark others to follow.
Emanate role models
of noteworthy distinction.
These are leaders,
champions of the best
who are as rare
as they are great.
The fact that the mainstream media failed to understand any of the aforementioned explains volumes about them and how misguided they are. This is why America rejects them and they should begin by understanding that truth. The only thing they need more than integrity is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The "Restoring Honor" rally was not a political event. Over half a million people attended this event with not a single sign or banner in hand. Not one single incidence of violence was reported. The mainstream news media couldn't down play the numbers without exposing their own usually woeful lack of integrity in the process. They couldn't subvert the message because far too many people witnessed it in person, on television (CSAPN), and on the Internet (FACEBOOK) that insured they couldn't get away with it. They dared not speak against our military veterans. They dared not speak against honor. They dared not speak against Faith, Hope, and Charity. They dared not speak against God. There was no political message or violent act for them to point to. So, the mainstream media did what it always do, they attacked the messenger. They attacked Glenn Beck and the other speakers at the rally.
Woe to them, because almighty God was speaking through those messengers.