Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Good News and the Bad News About Eye Floaters

The Good News

I've always been a good news first type of guy. Well, here it is: If the vitreous humor has already pulled off of the back of the eye safely, it won't be under tension and will not pull the retina off the back of the eye. So, no retinal detachment. This is called a PVD (posterior vitreous detachment).

You can think of the interface between the vitreous and retina like plastic wrap: it's clingy. If it's already pulled away from its normal position where it pushes the retina flat, it won't rip or tear holes at it starts to shrink. This type of pulling causes a common condition in the ERM, or epi-retinal membrane, which can tear in the center of the retina's vision, creating a 'Macular hole.' I'm sure you realize you don't want a hole in the middle of your vision. It is possible to self-monitor for this by using an Amsler Grid. The wrinkling that occurs where the retina and vitreous interface causes scar tissue to form. To get an idea of how this occurs mechanically in the eye, just lift up your sleeve and notice how it wrinkles.

The Bad News

Now we're on to the bad news. That is, if you have a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), the floaters in your eyes are more noticeable. In general, eye floaters are more visible in a bright background which has a lot of contrast.

The most common posterior vitreous detachments form a ring over the head of the optic nerve. This is called a Weiss's ring. The shape of the ring is caused by the release of attachments at the rim of the optic nerve head. This ring is often significant visually, and is far larger and more condensed than your classic floaters. The more classic type of eye floaters are stringy with undefined shapes. Also, a typical eye floater is more often mobile than the ring-shaped one. In general, a person who has a posterior vitreous detachment has greater risk for retinal detachment (RD) - this is because they are experiencing changes in vitreous humor already.

Are You Afraid of Reporting Bad News? Report it This Way

Good and bad news are the part of day to day life including personal concerns, social setups and business environments. Though both types of news are the part of all sorts of setups, but the ultimate effect of both of them is entirely different. Reporting a good news may lead you towards promotion and rewards but what if the news is bad and you must have to report it to the concerned authorities. It's ok if the concerned authorities are your subordinates, but in case if the recipient is your boss, that's something really to worry about.

But worrying only is not the solution; try to get out of this situation. Use some indirect communication approach and tell the bad news in most pleasant way. You'll win and only win then; the probability to lose is highly low by this. Not only a bad news but persuasive requests can also me made using this indirect approach. This approach is complex and consists of four parts unlikely the three steps of direct communication, i.e. main idea, explanation, courteous close. The four possible steps for transmitting a bad news are, buffer, explanation, decision, and positive friendly close.

Buffer is the part whereby you're to take a start with a positive or neutral statement, turning the bad news into a normal happening. Then come the part to explain the news tactfully. You're to provide the facts again in a neutral manner. Start with favorable circumstances and then come to unfavorable situation. According to the explanation present the implied or expressed decision. You can also make an additional offer of help in this part. This can also be decorated with some rational suggestions. And after suggesting, end the message with a friendly closing. Closing can be accompanied by some words of appreciation, some invitation to a future action, clear cut desired action, easy action, willingness to help in future, reader or listener's benefit.

Whether one has to report the news verbally or in written, the indirect approach to report will be same for both of them. The only difference will be that in oral reporting you can make the maximum use of body language, facial expressions, and promptly control the situation by analyzing the listener's expressions and attitude.

Also keep in mind that in your report, the elements of attention, interest, desire and action should have prominent place. And you should proceed in accordance with all these four elements. Just give a little time to the bad news and turn it into a pleasant situation. Be successful and let others to follow you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Social Stratification in America

Social stratification in American Society is not clearly defined or determined; nevertheless social scientist has developed a socio -economic stratification of the American society. Americans believe in a three class society: rich, poor and middle class and most Americans consider themselves as middle class. In reality the American society is more diverse and incongruent and there is an extensive difference among people. The basic determinants that make social class are wealth, education, income and occupation. Some sociologists have divided the American society in six distinct categories including: rich or the upper class, upper middle class, lower middle class, lower class and poor and under class.

It is believed that the people who belong to the same social class share the similar social positions, similar ways of thinking and life styles; others oppose this idea and believe that we cannot generalize characteristic of the people to one another. Social class creates a hierarchy and identity for the people of each class.

One of the indications of the social class in America is income in terms of either individual or household and is one of the most important indicators of social class. Those families who have two income earners are in a better position. Per capita income which means the amount of money allocated to each individual member is also anther important determinant in social stratification. It can be said the families who have fewer members are in a better position.

Another indication in social stratification is education which has a relation with the occupation and income. Higher education itself needs money and paying tuition, so it is clear that most of the time the families who are better off can afford a better education for their children: they can pay for better schools and private schools, colleges and universities. As the result there is an interrelation between money and education.

One of the most prominent features of social class is culture: people of the same social class tend to have similar ways of behavior; though this behavior and culture is not some thing fix and changes with social mobility: people who move upward or downward in their social stratification will acquire the behavior of that social group. But there is diversity inside the same social group as well. One of the important terms in American culture and literature is the concept of "Class Ascendancy": based on this concept each successive generation will have a higher standard of living than its predecessors. Another important characteristic of American social class is achieved status rather than described statues; it means that regardless of his or her original statues, one can become rich and successful and climb the social ladder. But in reality this idealistic view can not be completely true: many people of color are still suffering the racial prejudices and as a result they can not have the proper education and a good occupation which is perhaps the most important class component. These people have lower income and the cycle will continue to the later generations. Despite the existing injustice and inequalities, America is considered land of opportunity, the land which its streets are paved with gold. Thought this belief is exaggerated, Americans have improved their economic situation with their hard working and persistence.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Can Have Entertaining News At Last

Do you remember being a kid and just hating it when it was time for the news to come on television? There went the cartoons and other shows that were fun for kids.. Of course when many of us were young we could not get but three or four different channels at the most from our old home antennas. There was no such thing as two hundred different options like we have today with satellite or cable service.

The most unappealing thing about having to watch the news programs back then was the fact that they were so boring. It just did not hold much interest for your average fun loving kid. Walter Cronkite was great at what he did, but only if you were old like our parents.

It is true that our news programs today are much more entertaining than in days gone by, but they still probably do not interest for many kids. They are, however, much more interesting for us that have grown up since then and have developed a need to watch the news. It is easy today to actually find yourself enjoying these programs.

Networks like CNN, Fox News, BBC, MSNBC, and even The Weather Channel can be very intriguing. Many people will keep their televisions on these kinds of channels all day long. With the up to the minute reporting that can be sent around the world so quickly today, you can keep current on what might be happening anywhere in the world.

It is also not only the fact that news travels much faster these days, but also that some of the shows and their host are so appealing. The Glenn Beck show that comes on CNN is fun to watch because of the way he reports things. He is outspoken and opinionated about a variety of news worthy topics in a time when people want to cut to the chase and really discuss issues that are important to our world and the state it is is..

Although many of the news programs are about just that, news like business reports, politics and so on, there are other shows like Larry King Live that offer different types of news. Celebrities and other interesting people are highlighted on his program and his interviews are always interesting because of his unique style.

It could be considered a miracle, but even the weather has become infinitely more interesting these days. The Weather Channel not only provides up to minute weather reports, but has a variety of programs and specials that help us understand what creates the weather we have.

Monday, March 28, 2011


เราทราบดีว่าคำว่า"อย่าฆ่า Messenger"แสดงว่าข่าวผู้ส่งที่ไม่ดีไม่เป็นบุคคลเดียวกันรับผิดชอบในการก่อให้เกิดข่าวร้าย ในกิจกรรมวันต่อวันของเราเป็นผู้จัดการโครงการที่เราพบว่า) ไม่ดีของผู้รับข่าว (ผู้จัดการโครงการผู้มีส่วนได้เสียและลูกค้าบางครั้งลืมที่นี้และตอบสนองอย่างไม่เหมาะสม

มันเป็นให้ที่ผู้จัดการโครงการเป็นผู้รับผิดชอบต่อความสำเร็จของโครงการของพวกเขา อย่างไรก็ตามยังมีเหตุการณ์ต่างๆที่ได้ที่ที่อาจเกิดขึ้นทั้งหมดออกจากการควบคุมทุกคน ตัวอย่าง; เลื่อนในการจัดการที่ลูกค้าสามารถนำความล่าช้าหรือเทคโนโลยีใหม่ที่จะใช้เวลานานกว่าที่คาด

เพิ่มไปนี้บทบาทที่ PM เล่นเป็นผู้จัดการความเสี่ยงเกี่ยวกับการรายงานปัญหาที่มีข่าวที่อาจเกิดขึ้นของการหมุนที่ไม่ดีลงมาและรอซูลสามารถเปลี่ยนเป็นคนที่ไม่มีใครชอบที่จะเห็น นี้ไม่ได้ตำแหน่งที่ดีที่จะได้รับสิ่งต่อไปนี้

กว่าปีที่ผมได้ดูสาม PMs วิธีการต่างๆhave used to deliver bad news:

The Grenade - This is where the messenger walks into a crowded room (typically full of executives), delivers the bad news with all of its horrendous consequences without any warning, and then leaves. This is totally unacceptable, ineffective and not sustainable...primarily for the PM's career.
The Silent Treatment - This is where the messenger chooses NOT to deliver the message. The reasoning may be that they feel the problem will resolve itself, or they don't want to deal with the subsequent activity necessary to resolve the situation. This approach is not recommended.
The Trial Balloon - This has been the most effective method I've seen used. The messenger meets with a couple of stakeholders at a time, laying out the facts of the situation with a "let me pass something by you" approach. This allows for additional options to be considered, further information to be introduced (for example, more resources may be available that the PM did not know were available) and crafting of the final message to occur prior to introducing it to the entire group. The result is that the messenger doesn't stand alone, multiple options have been considered, and the bad news is not sensationalized.

Delivering bad news about your project is an inevitable part of our jobs as Project Managers. It takes discretion, skill and good judgment on how to effectively deliver bad news without ออกจากเส้นทางของการทำลายที่อยู่เบื้องหลัง

Delivering Bad News

My heart began pounding as I listened to the sound of the dial tone in my ear. After three rings a woman answered groggily and uncertainly, "H-hello?"

"Mrs. Peterson?" I asked. My voice trembled slightly. It was 2 a.m. and I'd awakened her from what I imagined had been a troubled sleep.


"This is Dr. Lickerman. I'm calling from the hospital." I paused. "I'm calling about your husband."

There was silence. Then a breathless, "Yes?"

"Mrs. Peterson, I'm the resident on call taking care of your husband. Your husband--your husband's suffered a complication. You know the heart attack he came in for was very serious. A large part of his heart had stopped working. Well, Mrs. Peterson, I just don't know how to say this to you but...your husband passed away tonight. We tried everything we could to save him but there was just too much damage to his heart. It just couldn't keep pumping blood. I'm...really sorry. I don't know how--I'm just really sorry. I wish I weren't telling you this over the phone..."

A few more minutes of silence passed, and I realized she was crying. "I understand," she said finally. "Thank you." Then she asked, "What do I do now?"

Relief coursed through me. "There's a hospital administrator on the line--"

"Hello," the hospital administrator said gently.

"--he's going to explain everything you need to do." I paused. "Mrs. Peterson, I am just so sorry..."

"Thank you," she said quietly. When I hung up I found my hands were literally shaking.

I was a first year resident, and this was the first time I'd ever had to tell a family member a loved one had died. It had happened in the middle of the night so I'd had no choice but to deliver the news over the phone. Not only that, but because I was covering for another resident and had only met Mr. Peterson that night after his heart had stopped and I'd been called to try to resuscitate him, his wife ended up hearing the news of his death from a total stranger. It was an experience I will never forget.


In the years since then, I've had to deliver that kind of news to families a score of times and bad news of a slightly lesser magnitude hundreds of times. In all honesty--and contrary to the popular saying--it has in fact become easier, partly because I've learned to do it better, I think, and partly because the more you do anything the less it stirs up the initial emotion that accompanied it. What follows is the approach I've developed over the years to deliver bad news in the most compassionate manner possible.

Prepare yourself to feel badly. Doctors enter medicine with the hope of making patients feel better. However, when delivering bad news, that's not what happens. No matter how people feel before I give them bad news, afterward they always feel worse. If I don't recognize this as normal, that working hard to make people feel good about bad news is not only counterproductive to the grieving process but potentially deleterious for our doctor-patient relationship, in the long run I'll add to my patients' pain rather than diminish it.

Set the context. When delivering bad news of any kind, providing the recipient time to prepare themselves can be helpful. My attempt to do this with Mrs. Peterson was clumsy ("You know the heart attack he came in for was very serious"), but my intent was honest: I wanted her to realize I was about to tell her something awful. The phrase "brace yourself" carries more than a metaphorical meaning in this context. Psychologically, even a single moment of preparation can mute the pain of hearing bad news, if only a little.

Deliver the bad news clearly and unequivocally. I don't say, "There's a shadow on your chest x-ray" or "You have a lesion in your lung" or even "You have a tumor." I say, "You have cancer." The temptation to soften the blow by using jargon is surprisingly powerful but extremely detrimental. At best, it delays the patient's understanding of the truth; at worst, it promotes their denial of it.

Stop. When a person receives bad news, they always have some kind of reaction. Some cry. Some get angry. Some sit quietly in numbed shock. Some refuse to believe what they've been told. My job at that point, however, isn't to clarify, mollify, restate, or defend the diagnosis or myself. My job is to respond to their reaction and help them through it. I vividly remember the first time I had to tell a patient and his family he had lung cancer, some time after my late night call to Mrs. Peterson. I came into the room to find ten or so family members gathered around my patient's bed. I set the context, I delivered the news clearly, and then I launched into thirty minutes of clarifying explanation. When I finally paused to take a breath and to allow my patient to react to what I'd told him, he only looked at me with a sad expression and mumbled in a subdued voice, "I thought I had more time." He hadn't, of course, heard a word I'd said after I'd said the word "cancer." The only person I'd been attempting to treat with my soliloquy had been myself.

Ask for questions. Once a person's reaction has run its course, or at least paused, I always ask if they have any questions. Often they don't, at least at first. But often they do. I answer them all as honestly and directly as I can. Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, people rarely ask the questions doctors dread most: Is this terminal? How long do I have? How likely is the treatment to cure me?

But sometimes they do. When patients ask if their illness is terminal, I tell them the truth: the percentage of people who survive any illness breaks down into two groups, those who survive and those who don't. The percentage may be dramatically and tragically skewed toward those who don't, but I emphasize that no one can predict into which group any particular patient will fall. One thing I've learned in my years of practice, both as a doctor and a Buddhist, is that nothing is certain...

...except for one thing: if you destroy a person's hope for a good outcome, they'll suffer far more on the way to whatever bad outcome may be in store for them than if they'd had the opportunity to approach it full of hope. Especially when the quantity of life left may be short, the quality of life becomes even more important, and I'm convinced that nothing lessens the quality of life more than living it without hope. How do you prevent hope from failing when the outcome is so likely grim? I have no ready answer. I often make statements about the frenzied pace with which new knowledge and treatments are discovered and once or twice have even seen a new discovery make a difference in a person's prognosis. But often it's what I don't say that allows people to continue to hope. It's every person's natural tendency to continue to hope even in the face of terrible odds, and whenever I believe I need to say something that risks interfering with their belief that things may somehow work out all right, I think very carefully before I speak. I never lie, but neither do I automatically verbalize everything I'm thinking. In general, I try not to enable false hope, but I always wonder if that does more harm than good. I honestly don't know.

Express your commitment of support. I always make a point to say to every person to whom I deliver bad news, "I will not abandon you." I am continually amazed at the level of relief this provides. Just knowing there is someone in a position of confidence and authority who genuinely cares about what happens to them, who can explain the things that occur during the course of their illness and simply be available to them, is enormously relieving to most people. I also add, if it applies, "I will not let you suffer." Adequate training in pain relief is woefully sparse in most medical schools and residency programs, but the technology exists to mitigate, if not completely control, the pain of most (though not all) illnesses.

Make a plan. I always give patients a series of instructions at the end of a visit in which I've delivered bad news. I tell them:

1. Write your questions down. Once the shock of hearing the bad news wears off--usually after they've returned home--many questions typically arise. I promise to answer them all, either on the phone or at our next visit, which I always schedule before they leave my office.

2. Tell your family. People frequently struggle with this, often thinking first of the impact their illness will have on their loved ones rather than themselves, and seek to insulate their family--or specific members of it--from the news. I am convinced this does more harm than good in most situations: it prevents damaged relationships from having a chance to heal and often creates more angst than it resolves, not to mention cuts off critical avenues of support. People who choose to die with secrets often leave wounds in survivors that never heal.

3. Prepare yourself for what comes next. It may be more testing. It may be treatment. It may be both. It may be neither. The last is the hardest to bear, I think. At least while you're engaged in treatment you're doing something active, fighting the diagnosis in a concrete way. Many people become inconsolably anxious once their treatment stops because at that point all they have left to do is wait for a relapse.

Follow up. Whether by phone or in person, I always talk with the person again within a week. Often, the person will have made surprising progress in coming to terms with the news that's been delivered. The human mind has a remarkable capacity to adjust to tragedy, and in fact I believe begins to cope with bad news the moment it's delivered. Many people agree that the wait for bad news is almost worse than actually receiving it. At least once you receive it--even if it's the worst you feared--you can begin to take action to deal with it.


All of us will receive bad news--devastating news--in the course of our lives, if we haven't already. Studies have shown patients and their families remember the way bad news is delivered--the exact words doctors use, how they looked, and whether they seemed to sincerely care--for the rest of their lives.

Which is why every time I'm about to enter a patient's exam room to deliver bad news myself I pause and remember Mrs. Peterson, a woman I've never seen or heard from since, but whose life I irrevocably changed in the middle of the night while she lay at home in bed without her husband next to her--as she would from that point forward--all those years ago.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Breaking Tax News - New Tax Credits

Be aware of the many new incentives offered by the Internal Revenue Service IRS, the first one being the "New Car Purchases Special Tax Break " The IRS announced that taxpayers who purchase a new passenger vehicle this year, 2009 may be entitled to deduct both state and local sales and excise taxes paid on their 2009 tax returns.

This deduction can add incentive to those contemplating a new car purchase. This incentive compiled with the incentives currently offered by many dealers for rebates and purchase credits mixed with low interest rates should make it a very good time to purchase a new car. By utilizing this deduction you will get cash back on your tax return, kind of like a delayed rebate.

The deduction is limited to the state and local sales and excise taxes paid on up to $49,500 of the purchase price of a qualified new car, light truck, motor home or motorcycle. The amount of the deduction can be phased out.  If your adjusted gross income is between $125,000 and $135,000 as an individual filers or between $250,000 and $260,000 for joint filers the deduction can be phased out. The vehicle must be purchased after Feb. 6, 2009, and before Jan. 1, 2010, in order to qualify for the deduction. You may utilize this deduction even if you don't itemize on your return.

If you're unemployed here's a bit of good news. All or part of your unemployment benefits received in 2009 will be tax free, based on a new rule provided by the IRS.  It was noted that in the month of march more than 5.5 million people received unemployment benefits.  With the rise in unemployment the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, enacted that the first $2,400 of unemployment insurance is exempt from tax for everyone. Therefore if you are a married couple and you both are unemployed you both get to take the exemption. This change will offer a small tax break to the unemployed.  If you are unemployed you have the ability to with hold taxes from your unemployment so there will be no surprises at tax time, however many choose not to , keeping as much cash in their hands as possible.  Consider this carefully when making your decision you do not want to end up owing taxes to the IRS at the end of the year. 

Another important credit is mortgage debt forgiveness. With all the foreclosures and short sales this credit is one that is truly needed.

What this credit does is. if your mortgage debt is partly or entirely forgiven during tax years 2007 through 2012, you may be able to claim  special tax relief and exclude the debt forgiveness as income. What most people do not understand is that when you owe a debt whether it is to a mortgage company, a creditor or a friend if that debt is forgiven or reduced by any amount you must claim that as income on your tax returns unless included in a bankruptcy.  If it was a mortgage company or a creditor they would more than likely report it as a loss of income to the IRS and therefore send you a 1099-C form. This form must show the amount of the debt forgiven and the fair market value of the property. This form means income for you, resulting in taxable income.

Based on the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 you may be able to exclude up to $2 million dollars of debt forgiven on your principal residence, or if married filing separately the exclusion is limited to $1million dollars.  This act will allow taxpayers to exclude debt reduced through mortgage restructuring also known as loan modification, as well as mortgage debt forgiven in either a foreclosure or short sale. A short sale is when you sell your house for less than what you owe the bank and the bank agrees to accept the short sale. For example; you owe $225,000.00 on your current mortgage but you are only able to sell your house for 197,000.00. The bank agrees to the sale. You have debt forgiven in the amount of $28,000.00. In years prior to this act that $28,000 would be have to be reported as income on your personal tax returns and you would be expected to pay taxes on the $28,000.00. This act allows you to qualify for the exclusion.

To qualify for this exclusion the debt must have been used to purchase build or substantially improve your principal residence. The loan (debt) must also be secured by that residence. Refinanced loan proceeds used for the purpose of substantially improving your principal residence will also qualify for the exclusion. Proceeds used for other purposes, such as tuition, vacations, business start-ups or credit card consolidations do not qualify for the exclusion.

Debt forgiven on second homes, rental property, business property, credit cards or car loans does not qualify for the mortgage relief act or tax-relief. 

We also have the First Time Home Buyers Credit. In order to qualify for this credit you must be a first-time home buyer. You can claim a credit of up to $8,000.00, or ($4000.00 if filing married filing separately.)  This credit does not have to be repaid, unlike the 2008 home buyer's credit. There is a catch though; the home must remain your home for three years from the purchase date. You are considered a first time home buyer if you never owned a home or have not owned a primary residence in previous three years prior to purchase date.

The amount is based on the purchase price of the home. You can claim a 10% credit based on the purchase price of your home, with $8,000.00 being the maximum credit. If filling married filing separately it is only $4000.00. Let's look at an example: if you purchase a $65,000.00 house and your credit will be $6500.00. You must purchase the home during 2009 but before December 1st, 2009. This first time home-buyers credit will begin to phase out for taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income exceeds $75,000.00 or $150,000.00 for married taxpayers filing jointly.

The credit is a dollar for dollar credit. If you owe money it will reduce the amount dollar for dollar, if you are getting money back you will get the whole credit dollar amount back. This is a huge incentive to many first time home buyers.

What is really an awesome feature is that you can claim the credit either on this year's tax return (2008) due on April 15th or wait until next year (2009). You get to decide. For those who may have already filed their tax return, you can file an amended return and receive your credit.   The IRS is actually encouraging you to use the credit and get the money back as soon as possible.  There is no limits as to what the money can be used for, it can be used for home repairs, appliances, or however you, the taxpayer choose to use it.  

Lastly, let's look at Private Mortgage Insurance premiums. These premiums may be deducted if you itemize. These premiums include monthly premiums paid for mortgage insurance paid on your primary residence and provided to you by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), or the Rural Housing Service (Rural Housing). The amount is limited based on your adjusted gross income. If your adjusted gross income is more than $100,000 or ($50,000 for married filing separately) your deduction will be limited. No deduction will be allowed if your adjusted gross income is more than $109,000 or $54,500 married filing separately. 

If you have paid a lump-sum for the life of the loan the insurance that covers years after initial purchase year, then you must determine the portion of the premium that pays for insurance for each year that it is deducted. This is done by dividing the total premium by the months in of the term of your mortgage (ex 30 years is 360 months), or 84 months, whichever is shorter. Multiply this number by the number of months for the year you are claiming the deduction.  Example, premium paid is $3500.00 for a 30 year loan. You would divide $3500.00 by 84 months because it is the shorter of the two, equals $41.66.   You closed in February so that would be 11 months. Take $41.66 times eleven months and that would be the amount of the lump sum you could deduct for this year. Remember to deduct this lump sum each year as you will not get a reminder for this. Your monthly payments should be reported on your mortgage interest statement sent to you by your mortgage company, typically reported to you on a 1098 mortgage interest statement.

If your mortgage is paid off and satisfied before the end of your allocation period, you cannot deduct the amounts that are allocated to periods after the mortgage is satisfied.  Also note that if you paid a lump-sum premium for insurance provided by FHA, the VA or Rural Housing, also known as a funding fee or guaranty fee, no allocation is necessary, you can figure your deduction based on the full amount of the payment.

These incentives, credits, and rebates are all important new tax issues to be utilized by everyone. Please pass this information on to someone you may know that is collecting unemployment or is purchasing a new house. It is always best to review your own personal tax situation with your tax professional.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Does The News Media Have A Moral Responsibility?

Much has been said in recent years about the increasingly irresponsible news media. For those of us who remember Walter Cronkite, we are amazed by the sleazy depths to which our news media can go nowadays. Their present fascination with Anna Nichole Smith's death perfectly illustrates those depths.

It is commonly speculated that the drive for increasing profits by the corporate owners of the news outlets, along with fierce and unanticipated competition from the cable channels and Internet blogs have motivated a new focus upon the lurid. I might add the media consultants who insist that appealing to the lowest common denominator, not hard news, brings and keeps viewers or readers. In spite of ourselves, we are especially fascinated by the downfalls and humiliations of our anointed celebrities.

But my concern is not over this sleaziness. After all, we can still find, if we search, a few outlets that do focus upon the important world and local news. A deeper and more insidious issue is the honesty of our journalists. I believe that most people go into journalism because they have an ideal of finding and sharing the truth about the people and issues that form our society. But, like most politicians, they gradually become distracted and compromised by the pressures to be profitable, to attract and hold viewers/readers, to lead with stories, to reinforce a political or social perspective, and to add a spin more interesting and attractive than the competitors on the other channels.

And sometimes those pressures force a bending or complete loss of the truth. While I understand that most news outlets have an expressed, or more often unexpressed, political leaning, there remains the moral responsibility to be truthful. But what is truth in the context of reporting on events and people? Is it still being honest if we emphasize those aspects of the story that reinforce our viewpoint while de-emphasizing or ignoring those that don't? Are we serving our viewers and readers if we consistently vilify those in the opposing party while blindly praising and ignoring the faults of those in ours? Or is that just being disingenuous? Should the news media be held accountable, as are the rest of us, when they libel or slander?

Sure, occasionally a supermarket tabloid will lose a slander lawsuit, but seldom do the major newspapers or news channels face such sanctions. When the news media are criticized for their dishonesty, hypocrisy or bias, they cry freedom of speech and partisanship and few want to take them on. They have become relatively above reproach, compared to any other group.

And yet no other segment of our society can so dramatically influence public opinion and political dealings. The news media no longer just report on events, they form and even create the events. They can make or break political candidates, drive legislation, manipulate the economy into and out of recessions, and even alter foreign policy. They have become a crucial element of our society largely above reproach.

While there is a very real danger in interfering with the news media's ability to report and go wherever they need to go, they should be more aggressively held accountable when they are deliberately untruthful or manipulative. While our political leaders won't likely have the courage or will to take on the press, perhaps the relatively loose and free Internet will do more to expose dishonesty wherever and whenever it occurs.

Friday, March 25, 2011

FOX News Claims Ghost Video Best Evidence of Afterlife Ever

In a heavily promoted piece about spirituality, FOX News 8 Cleveland claimed a video shot in a cemetery captured an eighteenth century apparition. The video can be seen on the FOX News 8 homepage.

While skeptics and believers will endlessly debate the intricate nuances of digital images and hoaxes, the account is more evidence of America's endless fascination with the supernatural.

For most though there will only be a cursory examination. As Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) so eloquently put it, "Being unable to cure death, sin, and ignorance, men have decided, in order to be happy, not to think about such things."

In scripture Peter writes from a different standpoint, for him evidence of eternal things being something less tangible. To his first century audience he wrote, "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy" (1 Peter 1:8).

For New Testament writers, sight was far more than a physical reality that could be captured on film. Paul himself would share, "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you" (Ephesians 1:18).

Indeed throughout the Bible various metaphors are used to describe the spiritual life. Jesus spoke of being lost and then found, of being dead and then alive again, and at least one man spoke of being blind but now able to see.

Each of these are attempts to explain the unexplainable using the limitations of language alone. Jesus himself spoke of a type of knowing that comes by experience. This is not to say that all experiences are equally valid, but he spoke of the truth being something that was intimately known by the process of living it out in one's life.

The point of each of the writers of scripture is that God is knowable and immanent, as Tennyson said, "Closer is he than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet."

For believers it is what happens on the inside that matters most. It is about a life that is made completely new and it is about a peace and a faith that cannot be shaken.

It is evident in people like C.T. Studd who wrote, "Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell, I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell."

In the end the best evidence of eternal things is not something that can be caught on tape or seen with the naked eye. Rather the best proof of all is a change of heart that knows what it means to be set free indeed.

Blogging News Stories As They Happen

The world of blogging is related to many things, some may relate it as a place for random chatter and the expression of opinions where as to others it may be a place for the latest information and news of the happenings around the world. The reason behind the success of blogging in passing around news is their ability to instantly update its content in an instant. Unlike the other methods of news and information distribution, blogs have the capability of being instantly updated due to the fact that they do not go through all the levels of administration and filtering such as editors and administrators before being presented to the public eye.

This feature of the blog has allowed news about big events such as the famous terrorist attack at London in the month of July in the year 2005 to be published and spread across the globe in an instant. What happened was after the attack during the period when passengers were being evacuated from a subway car nearby the explosion, a random citizen snapped a couple of photos of the scene using the camera on his cell phone and immediately after an hour upon the upload of those pictures online. People from all across the globe were alerted of the event in London and alerted the citizens of London to take extra precautions in order to protect their safety.

The method upon which the information was spread made it fee very personal for the people who viewed it, due to the fact that it was spread around by a common person like you and me and free from being tempered by the hands of political or any other type of influence. That is one of the wonders of blogging they come across as very personal to the people reading them because they aren't in a formal presentation and is presented on a more personal level. This form information signifies the dawning of a new age of writing, when information and news can be spread by anybody and report on news based on the insight's of a common citizen.

It is a wide spread feeling of mutual views on the topic of blogging in news, as many bloggers and cultural commentators in the field of web log movement express their view that this growing trend of reporting news via blogs is a very good things as it claims a more democratic aspect in the world of news reporting. This method of decentralizing news reports to sources other than the media heads, have allowed more and more people get more in touch personally with the issues at hand and gives them the power to speak their thoughts and opinions. Amidst that, there are also forces which do not agree to the spread of news in such a free manner. This is because they argue that this method of news spreading uses information from the blogger himself without any real validated proof to justify the news.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Forex News Trader - How To Trade Forex Using News and Economic Releases

While many forex traders are technical traders and institute their trades based on technical indicators from a price chart, there are some traders who are basically pure forex news traders.

What is actually forex news trading?

The forex news trader is basically a forex trader who makes his decisions to trade based on news and reports that are released daily. He does not depend on any technical indicators at all.

Why is news trading possible?

The forex market is a 24 hours market, and there are 8 major currency pairs available for trading with well over 17 derivatives, therefore allowing the economic news releases almost daily from any one or more of these currency pairs to impact on their movements.

What are these 8 major currencies that forex traders often watch for economic news releases that impact on their value?

The eight major tradeable currencies are

1. U.S. dollar (USD)

2. British pound (GBP)

3. Euro (EUR)

4. Japanese yen (JPY)

5. Australian dollar (AUD)

6. Swiss franc (CHF)

7. Canadian dollar (CAD)

8. New Zealand dollar (NZD)

The availability of these currency pairs and their derivatives such as the USD/JPN, Euro/USD, AUD/USD and several others means that you can trade some currency or its derivative pair at any time as these currencies span the globe!

So for the forex trader who trades on the news, he will have his eyes and ears set on the release of economic news and data that affect currency values.

Generally, we will watch out for news regarding the interest rates or direction of interest rate such as the FOMC rate decisions, release of retail sales figures, indications of inflation which can be gauged from consumer price index or the producer price index, unemployment figures, news on industrial production, news that indicate a boost in business such as business sentiment surveys and consumer confidence surveys,manufacturing sector surveys and news on the country's trade balance(such as foreign purchases of US Treasuries).

Different new releases impact upon currencies, and often lead to breakouts in volatility.
The key to trading on news is to take advantage of these movements in volatility which can last a few minutes or hours, and even days into the future.

Trading purely on news release is harder than it seems, but the task is made easier and more profitable with the use of indicators, such as a breakout indicator as a bollinger band or a breakout of a candlestick or a price bar. Statistics have shown news release can trigger movements that range in size from 33 to 124 pips, leading to trading opportunities.

By studying into high probability trade setups that has occurred consistently with the release of historical economic data, the forex news trader can devise strategies that can allow him to extract fast profits from volatile movements arising from news releases. The potential gains can be massive where the forex news trader can react quickly.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fort Lauderdale Newspapers

There are a lot of things that happen at Fort Lauderdale that makes news, like the Air and Sea Show, Beachfest, the Fourth of July celebrations, Oceanfest, Greater Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show and numerous other festivals and special events.

Fort Lauderdale's newspapers, in both English and Spanish, provide news about these events. These newspapers cater to the mixed population of American, Latin, Mexican and Hispanic origin in Fort Lauderdale. Like newspapers from any other city, Fort Lauderdale newspapers too cover a variety of issues like business, travel, politics, sports, local events, culture, etc.

Fort Lauderdale is served by two English newspapers- the South Florida Sun Sentinel and the Miami Herald.

The Sun Sentinel, owned by Tribune Publishing (one of the giants in the publishing world) is Fort Lauderdale's primary newspaper with over a million subscribers. Focusing mainly on local issues, Sun Sentinel offers great coverage of all the happenings in Fort Lauderdale. It covers issues like politics, travel, business, sports, weather and all issues that affect the Fort Lauderdale and Broward County.

The Miami Herald's primary market is South Florida (Dade, Broward and Monroe counties). The Miami Herald serves South Florida's multi-ethnic population with special focus on the American continent, tourism, international trade and commerce. It has over a million readers daily.

Fort Lauderdale is also served by two Spanish language newspapers - El Sentinel and El Heraldo.

El Sentinel is the name used by two Spanish language newspapers in Florida. El Sentinel del Sur de la Florida published in Fort Lauderdale, is a weekly Spanish-language newspaper. It is a Sun-Sentinel Company publication. El Sentinel (Orlando) is a weekly newspaper based in Orlando. This newspaper serves the Central Florida region

El Heraldo is a newspaper in Spanish mainly targeting Latin, Mexican and Hispanic readers. It covers the general news and happenings in the Fort Lauderdale area.

The newspaper also provides links to local news, entertainment, politics and business, education, web links, recommendations and web links to various other specific areas of interest.

There is also the South Florida Business Journal which covers general business news in Fort Lauderdale. City Link is another newspaper in Fort Lauderdale covering local events, entertainment and the youth culture. Another newspaper in Fort Lauderdale is Fort Lauderdale News.

Fort Lauderdale newspapers provide enough information to stay in touch with the happenings locally and from around the world. Almost all the newspapers in Fort Lauderdale have websites too. This allows people to access news from anywhere in the world and know what is happening in Fort Lauderdale, be it politics, weather, sports or just about anything.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

News - Celebrity Gossip

It's no secret that celebrities are always gossiped about. No matter how large or tiny the issue - such as a small rip in their jeans, it always ends up in some gossip magazine or column and scrutinized avidly by the fans.

There is a fine line that separates celebrity news from celebrity gossip. No matter how thin the line, there is a way to distinguish one from the other.

News is based on facts (mostly) and contains information regarding current events, places, and people. Its form of medium is usually through newspapers, live television, news websites, and of course radio broadcast.

Celebrity gossip, on the other hand, talks more about the personal issues of celebrities. You could even consider these issues as trivial and shallow and gossip is not usually verified. It is based more on opinion rather than on facts. A lot of celebrity gossip not only is published in gossip magazines but circulate on the Internet as well. Gossip travels fast and today, with the millions of people surfing the Internet, it is the fastest way to spread it.

While news talks of things that are worthwhile such as politics, events that impact the community or environment, art, dance, music and the latest developments in technology, gossip focuses on things that should be privy to the celebrity.

This is what differentiates news from gossip the most: gossip cannot usually be verified from the person being talked about. News, in the realm of journalism, can only be published if the source is known and the information has been verified.

A lot of gossip is very biased and based on complete speculation and hearsay. No wonder we hear of celebrities suing gossip columns all the time. Gossip is not only mean but can impact the personal life of the celebrity involved.

We hear about the infamous paparazzi that stalk these poor celebs, taking all kinds of pictures then attaching ridiculous stories to what were actually normal events.

One telltale picture posted on the Internet is enough to start a malicious rumor which after not so much time, turns into celebrity gossip.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Letter Writing Techniques - Good News Vs Bad News Letters

มีกลยุทธ์ที่แตกต่างกันและเทคนิคที่จะกล่าวถึงเมื่อเขียนข่าวที่ดีและไม่ดีจดหมายข่าว ในจดหมายข่าวที่ดีนักเขียนคือการนำข่าวที่ดีที่จะรับ วรรคแรก (Introduction) จะมีหัวข้อข่าวดี (เหตุผลสำหรับตัวอักษร) วรรคสอง (การอภิปราย) นำเสนอรายละเอียดของข่าวที่ดีและวรรคสาม (ข้อสรุป) เรียกร้องให้มีการดำเนินการ

- จดหมายข่าวร้ายใช้ทางอ้อมวิธีการและเปิดขึ้นพร้อมกับความคิดที่เป็นกลางในขณะที่การให้ข้อเท็จจริงและพยานหลักฐานที่สนับสนุน วรรคสองนำเสนอจดหมายข่าวเหตุผลที่ไม่ดีสำหรับ วรรคสามใกล้จบลงด้วยความเป็นกลาง แทคและความสุภาพเป็นสิ่งจำเป็นเมื่อเขียนข่าวไม่ดีของตัวอักษร ข่าวไม่ดีของนักเขียนหนังสือต้องไปสนใจกับเสียงและโครงสร้างทั่วทั้งตัวอักษรเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงปัญหาในอนาคต นักเขียนต้องป้องกันตัวเองจากผู้อ่านที่กระทำผิด

เขียนทั้งหมดเป็นรูปแบบหนึ่งของการโน้มน้าวใจ นักเขียนพยายามที่จะชักชวนให้ผู้อ่านของพวกเขาจะเข้าใจจุดหรือมุมมองของตน ให้ความสำคัญกับคำเป็นสิ่งสำคัญในจดหมายธุรกิจข่าวไม่ดีเพื่อป้องกันการทำลายจริยธรรมของรหัส จดหมายข่าวตัวอย่างสำหรับเหตุผลที่ไม่ดีสำหรับคือ

บริษัท ผมทำงานที่ได้รับการแนะนำให้ downsize ต้นทุนแรงงานโดยวิธีการใด ๆ ที่เป็นไปได้ ทางเลือกเดียวที่ฉันมีคือการยุติชั่วคราวตำแหน่งทั้งหมดภายใน บริษัท การตัดสินใจนี้ต้องการให้ผมเขียนจดหมายข่าวร้ายto each of the temporary employees, terminating them and explaining to each one the reason for termination. I must take care to use tact and politeness throughout the letter while making it clear that their job performance was excellent and had no bearing on my company decision. When writing to the employee, I should offer a severance pay and to write a letter of recommendation to help the employee with job search. Additionally, medical benefits should be extended for a short time after termination. Additionally, letting the employee know that with his, or her given qualifications and proven abilities, I am confident that he or she will find another position in the near future. End on a calm and upward happy note.

Technology News - 3 Inventions That Shaped Current Advancements

The list of impressive inventions is so long that finding just three is quite difficult, but let's try in light of groundbreaking technology news, and its effect on human life. Yes things like wheel, the fire, language, and even writing can there in list, but they are quite early for the times sake.

Computers have totally revolutionized and advanced the human life as nothing before. Based upon the ancient field of education of Logic and ancient writings of Aristotle, philosophers and scientists this has to be most significant invention. The basics of the computing have also roots in transistors, if they had not been there along side the electricity nothing could have happened. Another important ting is the research and sharing of knowledge has become fast, organized and adapt to everyday life with help of computers too.

If internet is in reach of us all today some of its credit goes to the invention of telephone. Communication, exchange of ideas, and commerce are all helped immensely with the telephone. Yes most of us are not using the land lines and mobile phones are the next step, if you think about it there would not have been any of it without the phone.

The industrial revelation and reach of better welfare can also be credited to the better means of transport too. The more customers, the easy and safe delivery of goods and services can be there due to the better usage of transport. The air crafts, the electric cars, and even built trains are all the results of the basic invention of wheel. Yes the humble wheel has taken the humanity forward like nothing else.

The invention of plastic definitely lead to mass production and price reduction of expensive metal and query objects. The plastic is there all around us right from the smallest to largest ships with more stronger than steel fiber glass, stylish coverings and even the luxury bedding for all with foam too. Ironically while these three inventions might be considered to be the main reason of human development the possibility of them being the number one environmental hazards is there as well.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Google News Traffic That Will Get You Insane Traffic

If you're not keen on writing you can outsource your writing to get your posts approve by Google News, as they want you to meet a few guide lines:

100% unique content and it has to tell a news story.

Always give 100% value in your posts

Talk about a new website that has just launched and give details on how this website can benefit your readers. (You have to actually have to provide news.)

This cannot be an article in the typical sense, put more like a press release or it will not get approved. Never sell your product in your post they will know your just selling and not give information.

This method can keep you at the top off the search engines for up to a month, depending on the topic. For example, if your write your post about a credit card that might stay up there for one to three hours in another hand you might write your post about a tractor and that could stay up there for months! The less competition your keyword has the better it will work out for you.

Ok, so here's how to you get your post on to Google news: Simply go to a website call and type in to the search bar Google news and there will be a list of "gigs" that come up. Take your time searching and have a look through each of them. What you are going to do is select someone to help you.

You want to pick the gigs very carefully. You should check out their feed back and make sure they have 100% good reviews, before you give them a job.

Once you find someone who will post to the Google News site for you, award them the job and normally within a few hours your post will be live on Google news! Most times, it will be on the front page off Google. now sit back and watch your traffic come in, just think of it this way. If you write four posts every day and do this consistently, just think how much traffic your site will be getting?

The easy way to get traffic is Google News. Every thing on this website is only $5! How cool is this? You can get most of the jobs you need done here for $5!

Listen, we've just released a new video course on Internet Marketing (Value $197). And for a limited time you can get your hands on a FREE copy here

Don't hesitate - Fortune favours the Brave

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nigeria News

Nigeria news has had a colourful, interesting and fascinating history. Traditionally, Nigeria news was transmitted with a variety of local instruments: drums, sticks, gongs, fire, and voice e.t.c.

The local people have to find a way to transmit news of joy, death and war to their community without the benefits of cell phones, radios, tv and all latest technology.

This is where the story gets interesting.

The people devised ways to communicate long distance with the 'famous talking drums'. It's fascinating to watch masters of this act; send and receive messages merely by beating a drum. To the unwary onlooker, the drummers are causing a cacophony of sounds, but to the trained ears of the drummers; a lively, heated argument or conversation akin to cell phone chat of today is going on.

In jest, drummers have been known to question the beauty and womanliness of the other community and strength of its male folk. The drum was an integral part of the communal life. The drum marked calendar of festivals of the communities. It recorded deaths, births.

Today, Nigeria News is transmitted mainly through the radio, newspaper and electronic version. First, Nigeria news was transmitted through the newspapers, state owned radio and later government owned TV stations. During these periods, the government had monopoly of dissemination of information to Nigerians. In time, private owned newspapers, radio and tv stations came on board to challenge the government owned corporations.

Some of the radio stations:

Radio Nigeria (government owned)



Guardian Newspaper

The Sun Newspaper

ThisDay Newspaper

The Nation

Friday, March 18, 2011

In Critique of Mass Media and Internet News

Most people realize the power of the media in our society and civilization. On one hand it provides instant access for information world-wide. On another hand often the information provided can be skewed and selective and with the ominous power over the minds of the people it can be a scary thought indeed.

There has been some very strong criticism of the media and its problems, as well as what it brings to the world. An interesting book, I read was "Data Smog" which talks to the abundance of meaningless, trite and filler in electronic news and the Internet.

Today we see an IBM article in the news and folks trying to determine if the "Internet is Addicting." Sure it is or can be, just like the Boob Tube, video games or the new World of VR, which most likely as it becomes more real will replace all the illegal recreational drugs no doubt.

China wishes to prevent certain news, views and content into their nation over the Internet and even is worried that the Internet will circumvent their control, productivity of the work force, bring ideas counter productive to their form of government and some of their excuses or reasoning of course for this censorship is indeed as they say; "the addictive nature of the Internet" is a disease and they even have shock treatment for addicted Internet users.

One thing in this debate I find of interest is what if everyone used the Internet to seek information, knowledge and discovery? Then so what if it is addictive or people spend too much time online. It could very well have the reverse affect if all the writers uplifted the content to propel thought and information?

Then the Internet would then bring the bar up a notch rather than down two. Because in the end I really do not care what Angela Jolie ate for breakfast this morning even if that makes the front page of the Internet News. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Write News

Writing news remains one of the most coveted journalism faculties. Thousands of writers have earned millions of dollars through writing news fro corporations like Goldman News Corp, CNN, SKY Fox and other well established companies. Online publishing platforms have increased the opportunity of earning a living through writing. However, this platform has opened an aperture for violation of distinctive journalism ethics.

Many experts in the faculty of journalism have sought to verify what are the core practices that can lead to writing of good and credible news. However, this research wont lead to any implication on current news writing practices. The core values of writing good news are actually simple rules that a person who knows the value of the written word can follow. The structure of a news item should be packed with detail and facts about what happened.

Good news are an insignia of credibility and a distinct clamor for worthiness. As such one should engage in distinctive journalism through pitching news that are packed with facts. Two, the journalist should tell away what was the news, where the news came from or happened, who was involved, what happened, why it happened and how it happened. A news story with such a structure will certainly satisfy a reader. The structure actually entails use of detail to comprehensively explain and tell away news. A good news structure can be copied from, a leading news resource that sticks to distinctive journalism. This context explains the basics of how to write news as such could be a comprehensive guide to young journalists who want to excel in writing news.

News And Current Affairs

Gone are the days when the only source of getting news and current affairs was through the newspaper or at best the radio. Technology has progressed at such a rapid pace that there is a plethora of different media through which you can hear and see the news stories and current events on the move. Also, at the very moment some of these events might be taking place at the other end of the world. The numerous media channels include television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and the mobile phone.

Article Directories

Besides providing the latest news on several websites, the Internet also provides article directories. These article directories give us the news regarding any topic under the sun along with expert comments and detailed analysis. These topics may include politics, sports, share market, and the current hot topics such as the recession, and many more. Articles regarding these topics are published daily to provide the latest news and an insight into the implications of the different news and current affairs.

Through these article directories, authors and promoters get a platform to showcase their views with the potential of being read by millions of people around the world. On the other side, visitors to the article directories websites get an opportunity to become aware of the latest news and current affairs. They can read the views of the authors regarding the same.

Article Marketing

Apart from projecting the latest news, article directories also provide opportunities for internet marketing professionals to submit articles for the purpose of article marketing. These articles provide information regarding the products and services. They use the website of the article directory with a view to informing the reader about their own site through the backlinks. This process of article marketing is an effective, fast, and convincing method of driving traffic toward the website of the internet marketer. The articles should be of high quality and should convey pertinent knowledge and experience regarding the products or services to impress the reader by the content. In order to gain further knowledge, the reader will the follow the backlink and visit the website of the internet marketer and might become a potential customer. This is exactly what is required to increase traffic and to gain more customers.

Most article directories offer free content. As such, webmasters use their sites to collect the free content and add the same to their own websites or blogs. Moreover, this content can be republished on different websites, provided the original links are preserved in the article and the original article author retains the credit. Circulating the article through a number of other websites will automatically increase the traffic to the website of the internet marketer.

Article directories also have a network of informational sites. This network enables any news and current affairs article or any article that is published on one website to be published on other websites of the network. The condition is just that the editors should find the content appropriate. Article marketing is a powerful tool for internet marketers. It is also very useful for search engine optimization in order to get a higher search engine ranking.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Neighborhood News - Real Estate News For Buyers - Sellers And Homeowners

Looking for local facts and figures? Get them all free.

It seems that many of us are fascinated by facts and figures. National news reports are filled with financial, economic and research statistics from a variety of sources. How did the financial markets perform? What does the average house, automobile or gallon of gasoline cost in this country? Most of these statistics are all readily available on the Internet with a few clicks of the mouse. But you may face a greater challenge if you're looking for information on a local level.

The good news is that even though many of these neighborhood facts - income, age, households, education, employment and more - are available on request in a single report that's tailored to your own neighborhood. Neighborhood Reports include city, county and state facts. For public and private schools, information, such as enrollment, high school rankings, funding, Parent Education, income and more.

Interested in housing? Find out about renting versus homeownership, local sales, price trends, current listings and more. Neighborhood Reports even include climate information such as average temperatures and precipitation. Ask your local real estate professional for a free, no-obligation Neighborhood Report - for any neighborhood in the U.S. These reports are great sources of information are completely customizable for you, and are a great way to learn more about your hometown or any town in the U.S.

The sub-prime issue - what's it all about?

One year ago, most homeowners probably couldn't tell you the difference between sub-prime lending and a submarine sandwich. Today, the term "sub-prime" generates heated controversy and is prominently featured in national news stories.

According to mortgage expert Jack Guttentag, a sub-prime lender is one who provides mortgages to borrowers who do not qualify for loans from mainstream lenders. Sub-prime borrowers typically pay higher rates and fees than those with good credit scores. Sub-prime lenders must charge higher rates and fees to cover increased risk and higher costs.

Why the controversy? Many U.S. homeowners are facing issues with their mortgages, including losing their homes, because of sub-prime lending, interest-only loans and other types of "creative financing." Critics are pointing the finger squarely at sub-prime lenders for steering borrowers into unaffordable loans. Looking back, it's become obvious that many lenders had lax standards and were careless about properly qualifying borrowers, many of whom are now struggling to make payments. In truth, compared with conventional loans, a higher percentage of sub-prime loans go into default.

Mortgage industry professionals point out that not all sub-prime lenders are unscrupulous, and that many borrowers with poor or no credit are now homeowners because of sub-prime financing. The controversy is likely to continue, but the best advice to borrowers may be to work on improving their credit scores and heed the old "buyer beware" adage in any type of mortgage financing.

Annual percentage rate is the cost of credit, expressed as a yearly rate. It is higher than the associated interest rate because it includes fees associated with borrowing in addition to interest.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blurring the Line Between News, Media & Gossip

The Internet has brought around-the-clock news coverage into our homes along with twenty-four hour coverage of less crucial, more tantalizing fare in this information age. These days, the line between news and gossip is becoming increasingly blurred, particularly by the media. What constitutes news and what is gossip? The definitions don't really make it clear, after all what is "news" to one person may seem like mere idle gossip to the next. Take a look at these definitions decide for yourself:

News: New information about specific and timely events relevant to the general public, or a program devoted to conveying such news to the public.

Gossip: Casual or idle talk about others, usually without foundation and negative in nature. In today's world, gossip is often broadcast via the media to the general public.

There is plenty of news that is "negative in nature," but that doesn't automatically make it gossip. Of course, the news does have to be properly substantiated. But the media these days is making it more and more difficult to differentiate between what is news and what is gossip. In fact, the media itself is an entity that seems to answer to no one and can report either news or gossip as it sees fit:

Media: Forms of mass communication that carry or store information. In this instance, mass communication forms such as television, newspaper and Internet that convey news or information to the public.

When someone who works for a media outlet says, "I'm with the press," you don't know if he is a reporter for a major media outlet such as NBC or he is reporting for a gossip rag like you usually find at the checkout counter of your local grocery store.

If you do a search for the name of a certain pop star/celebrity these days, literally millions of results will pop up. Some of them will be links to high quality, respectable news sites with what most people would consider newsworthy updates. Quite a few of them will be links to sites that are pure gossip. Not newsworthy, but certainly entertaining to many people.

In the case of a celebrity, it isn't necessarily essential that you know whether you are getting the information from a reliable news source or a gossip site that hasn't checked its sources or confirmed whether its facts are correct. But what about when you're reading about a political candidate, someone in public office or Fortune 500 executive? Are you forming a judgment about the individual based on verified facts or vindictive gossip that is making the rounds of the Internet that started with a conversation overheard in a bar or club?

Whenever you're reading a media story on the Internet, make sure that you are always aware of the source of the story. Look not only at the headline of the story but also at the name of the website itself. Is it a reputable news provider that you trust? If you read the story in a blog, is the blogger using unattributed quotes, or does he name the people he refers to so that the facts can be substantiated? Do the news stories you're reading have reliable bylines from well-known reporters?

With the Internet making it easier for websites to blur the line between news and gossip or entertainment, consumers have more personal responsibility than ever to make sure they know and understand the source of their news and entertainment.

Monday, March 14, 2011

When the News is Very Bad, Here's How to Break it to Your Child

มันเป็นครอบครัวที่หายากที่ไม่พบข่าวร้ายอย่างมากในบางจุดหรืออื่น ปู่ย่าตายายจากไป ความยากลำบากทางเศรษฐกิจเกิดขึ้น ใครบางคนได้รับบาดเจ็บสาหัสสูญเสียตำแหน่งงานและอื่น ๆ

เราสอนเด็กของเราที่จะซื่อสัตย์และบอกความจริง แต่ข่าวไม่ดีให้กับเด็กมากโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเด็กเล็กสามารถปรับสมดุลการกระทำหากิน นั่นเป็นเพราะคุณอาจต้องการที่จะยับยั้งความจริงบางอย่างเต็มรูปแบบในขณะที่ยังสมดุลข่าวร้ายใด ๆ ด้วยความหวังเพื่อผลบวก

ตัวอย่างเช่นสมมุติว่าคุณปู่ที่มีการอุดตันในสมองที่มีการวางเขาในโรงพยาบาล ทั้งนี้ขึ้นอยู่กับความรุนแรงของโรคหลอดเลือดสมองและการพยากรณ์โรคแล้วคุณจะเป็นตรงไปตรงมากับลูก ๆ ของคุณเป็นไปได้ตอบคำถามจำนวนมากของพวกเขา

ตัวอย่างเช่น :"เราอย่างแท้จริงไม่ทราบว่าคุณปู่จะเหมือนกันว่า"คุณอาจจะพูดว่า "แต่ผมเชื่อว่าในหัวใจของฉันที่เขาจะกู้คืน. แล้วเรายังจะรักเขาเหมือนกันไม่ว่าจะเกิดอะไรขึ้น no.

ประกาศ"การกระทำสมดุล"ฉันmentioned before: being truthful, to a point, without giving too much information that would cause more emotional distress to children than is necessary - balanced with an optimistic, positive, loving approach.

As part of that approach, remember that you, the parent, have to be the "rock" for your family. While you may choose to share with your children your own feelings, openly displaying your own fears and uncertainties will probably not be helpful. To help facilitate the more positive approach, try to maintain your family's routine and schedule as much as possible to provide certainty and stability.

You'll also want to monitor how your children are doing and coping throughout any extended difficulty. And, should you feel it appropriate at any point, give your kids the opportunity to talk to professionals (clergy, psychiatrist, counselors, etc.) who are well-versed in dealing with your particular situation and the emotions associated with it.

Lastly, remember that one of the biggest fears children often experience during a difficult time is the fear of the future, which is a fear of the unknown. To help alleviate this fear, try discussing and even visualizing with your children what the future may hold, along with how your family will stay strong, supportive and loving, regardless of the outcome. And, in the meantime, try to live in the future and continue with life and your normal activities.

The Biggest News Stories of 2009

The year has been a very eventful year as far as news stories go. 2009 has seen a lot of unexpected surprises, and the world has been captivated, shocked, and sometimes impressed by certain news stories. Let's take a look at a few of the more newsworthy events during the year of 2009.

1. The economic mess. This has been one of the toughest years in modern American history, as the economy has sunk to lows that haven't been seen in decades. Unemployment has rocketed, people have financially struggled, and investment money seems to have dried up all around. Americans and the rest of the world are doing their best to fight through this situation.

2. The death of Michael Jackson. In the pop culture world, no story has been bigger than this one. Michael Jackson was an iconic music legend, and his unexpected death shocked and upset millions of fans around the world. The legacy of Michael Jackson will no doubt live on for many years to come.

3. The impact of Barack Obama. As the first African American president in the nation's history, Obama has broken a huge barrier, and has embraced the rest of the world at the same time. His recent Nobel Peace Prize award just goes to show how much the rest of the world values his presence and feels his impact.

These are just a few of the many big stories that have taken place in 2009. With several weeks to go, there's still much more that's bound to happen.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

FC Barcelona Pictures and News

Experience the glorious past and the vibrant present of FC Barcelona through pictures and news readily available online. Apart from the official club website, exciting and breathtaking FC Barcelona pictures are in abundance in several blogs, news sites, and websites dedicated to the club. Check out the latest FC Barcelona news in the top news sites in the world as well as in the official and other unofficial websites.

Futbol Club Barcelona, nicknamed Barça, is not as much as a football club as it is a Catalan institution. Founded in 1899, it is one of the best Spanish clubs with Real Madrid as its closest rival. At present, it home to other sports teams apart from the football club.

FC Barcelona is said to be the most popular football club in the whole of Europe. Some surveys show that it has a fan base of 44.2 million fans in the football-crazy continent alone. Hence, FC Barcelona news and Barça rumors are in great demand online. Fans are also racing to shoot photos of their beloved club during matches and sell them online. Online buyers are faced with several options.

Track Record
Barça is among the big three Spanish football club. Alongside Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid, it has never been relegated or demoted from the La Liga, the premier league in Spain. All in all, the club has lifted 18 La Liga titles, a record of 24 Spanish Cups, two League Cups, and seven Spanish Super Cups.

In European leagues, FC Barcelona has won four UEFA Cup Winners' Cups, two European Cups, two UEFA Super Cups, and three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups.

Camp Nou
The home stadium of Barça is Camp Nou, also referred to as "Nou Camp." Constructed in 1957, it has witnessed hundreds of football matches against visiting clubs since 1857. Camp Nou is rated by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) as a five-star stadium. It can hold up to 98,772 people and is the biggest European football stadium.

Camp Nou is one of the preferred hosts of UEFA Champions League Finals. The club won their very first game at their new stadium in 1957. They thrashed Legia Warsaw of Germany, 4-2.It was built from 1954 to 1957 and was designed by a group of three architects. The stadium has also been the venue for several major music events.

There are plenty of FC Barcelona pictures with Camp Nou as the background available to fans. They come in colored and black-and-white. Sometimes, the pictures are able to capture the club in their most intense action. There is drama, joy, love, and passion in pictures. You could also easily find group and individual photos.

Latest News
In the most recent Barça news, the club bulldozed Malaga in a pre-weekend La Liga match. The resounding win catapulted the club to the topmost position in the league standings, six points ahead Real Madrid. They are slated to next face Valladolid but their recent triumph over Malaga is bound to boost their spirits prior to their anticipated UEFA Champions League quarterfinal fixture against Germany's Bayern Munich. Browse online for photos and the latest news of the match.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Effective Writing - Seven Good Ways to Deliver Bad News

Nearly everyone has to be the bearer of bad tidings from time to time. Maybe it's a cost increase. Perhaps it's a layoff. A cutback in business hours. A product upgrade that's been pushed back six months. Lower-than-expected earnings. Or a security breach.

How you communicate that bad news will have a significant impact on your organization and its reputation. In fact, handling one piece of bad news effectively may be more powerful than sharing ten pieces of good news.

1. Be candid. Human nature leads people to try to camouflage bad news with all sorts of soft expressions and weasel words. Guess what? People see right through that stuff. They don't think you're trying to be gentle; they assume you're lying through your teeth. Think of how you react when a political figure gets caught doing something he shouldn't, and then tries to slither his way out of it with doubletalk. Consider your opinion if he were to instead say, "I admit that I made a mistake. What I did was wrong, and I regret it." Being straightforward builds trust and pays long-term dividends. Besides, it's easier to keep track of what you've said when you've told the truth.

Candor can also stun and even disarm your critics, especially when you follow it with a statement about what action you'll take next or what you'll do differently. Criticism at that point is perceived as nothing short of mean-spiritedness.

2. Be confident. Confidence inspires more confidence. If your employees or customers see you reacting with poise and self-assurance (no matter how much you're quivering inside), they'll worry less. Your language, your voice, your posture - all of those things must convey the impression that you're in control and that you're already moving past the bad news.

3. See it through their eyes. You know the full story behind the bad news and how it will impact the organization. Your external audiences probably don't care. Focus your messages on what matters to them. Consider how whatever happened may affect their working relationship with you, and start your message there. "While the fire was a setback for our company, we have already leased temporary office space and are working from our backups to ensure that customers won't see any interruption in the service we provide."

4. Don't exaggerate. It's very easy to turn that proverbial molehill into a mountain. Odds are good that whatever has happened or is about to happen is not on a par with the Black Plague, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or the end of the world, so don't react as though it is. Your explanation will drive the audience's reaction. If you present the news as something bigger than it really is, they'll overreact, too.

Make sure your employees provide measured responses when sharing information about the bad news, too. If they're delivering intense drama when talking with your clients or prospects, you'll have a much tougher time turning things around.

5. Take the hit. It's easy to shift the blame to someone else or a situation. "Our production staff didn't live up to management's expectations." "The economy caused this layoff." "Customers didn't want to buy our product." People in charge don't hesitate to take credit for the good things that happen to their organizations. They should also be willing to take the blame for the bad ones - even if they really aren't at fault! "I didn't pay close enough attention to our production process, and quality suffered." "We just didn't respond quickly enough to the challenges created by the recession." "We failed to offer products the marketplace wanted."

6. Find good news in the bad. Okay, you've had to cut a third of your staff because orders are down. You've had to become adept at doing more with less. Once things turn around, you'll be poised to be in even better shape. The economies you were forced to create are likely to spawn efficiencies that will boost profits when things get better.

Remember that bit of Zen wisdom: "Now that my house burned down, I have a better view of the moon." Positives may not be easy to find, but there are probably some lurking somewhere in that bad news. Put the emphasis there. "Yes, this happened, but it was a good lesson for us."

7. Move on. Businesses have a tendency to be so concerned about the bad news that they keep repeating it to customers. Or they leave messages announcing the bad news on signs in their workplaces or in announcements on their websites for weeks. Don't do that. People have short memories, and if you don't remind them about your bad news, they'll shift their focus to other things. After you've shared the bad news, go back to delivering the kind of messages everyone enjoys.

Friday, March 11, 2011

News Writing Basics

News writing is different from many types of composition, in that it comes with a very specific set of characteristics that are unique to it. Most people, after all, don't read the news the way they read a magazine feature or a short story.

Pick up a daily newspaper and look at the different articles. You'll notice various qualities in well-written pieces that you should emulate when producing your own news stories.

They address as many of the possible reader questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) right in the lead.

The most significant details go up front. All the juiciest, meatiest aspects of the story should be divulged right at the start.
Sentences are written short and to the point.
Paragraphs are kept tight, containing no more than two to five sentences each.
The overall tone stays as objective as possible. Sure, newspaper writers can have an opinion - they just can't write about it in their news stories.
There are no conclusions. Sure, you "close" a news story, but you don't "conclude" it with a statement of opinion.
Lay down the facts and let the readers decide - that's how it should be.
Because it has to answer so many questions, the lead can really make or break a news story. Most readers will ascertain what a piece is about from the first two or three lines. If they can't, there's a good chance they'll be lost.

Writing correctness is even more of a virtue for news pieces because the stories are so tight. That's why grammar correction software is such a vital part of the newsroom. It helps turn out stories with as little mistakes as possible, while doing it faster than any human proofreader could.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Online News Reporting Basics

In the past few years the online news industry was thought to be more financially profitable. However, there has been a slow down of the online advertisement and a little progress have been made in the development of new business model. Online news sites are preferred over the printed newspapers because of their convenience, depth and speed. Many news organizations are distributing news through online publishing. They are using the websites as a secondary outlet for their printed content. Some of the newspapers are totally into the online publications of their websites. The use of websites by the news organizations varies from company to company.

Online journalism has also given opportunities to the people who actually are not journalists. Recent surveys show a growing trend of internet news readers. The majority of these readers are the youngsters who have access to the gadgets like iPhone, Blackberry and laptops. This is the future of the newspapers. These groups of people rely on these internet releases of newspapers for the news. There are some tools for online journalists other than online newspapers such as chats, discussions boards and forums. Often the internet becomes the battle field of the different viewers and cause conflicts creating endless online battles. It is also believed that online journalists are generally free lancers and are not paid and the publications by them are not biased. These publications are also believed to be more informative compared to the printed media.

In United States the journalists who publish only online content are deprived of the First Amendment rights than that of journalists of broadcast media and traditional print. Internet also offers options by which you can have news from many online news sites at one place. These are called aggregators and feeds. They compile news from different online sources into a single website. You can personalize the feeds according to the news requirement of yours.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Newspaper Classifieds Are Old News

Using newspaper classifieds to advertise a product or service has far more disadvantages than advantages. The fact is that most people these days are using the Internet to research purchases and desired services at a far greater rate, than looking in the newspaper classifieds for these same items. The Internet gives you many different analytical tools to research and design your ad campaign, something which you can not do with the same ease using newspaper classifieds. Here I will explain some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using newspaper classified ads, as well as make recommendations for replacing this method.

One of the main advantages to newspaper classifieds is that it can be easier to target a specific geographic area, since newspapers are typically delivered to a large amount of people in a specific region. The other advantage is that you have flexibility to choose where your ad appears in the newspaper. This can help because you have the ability to strategically place your ad in a way that catches a readers eye. However when you use the Internet, you have a lot of optimization work to do in order to strategically place the ad to be displayed in a specific region.

The biggest disadvantage you face with newspaper classifieds is the cost. Placing ads in newspaper classifieds is expensive. You are charged a fairly expensive fee for a space in the newspaper. On top of that, newspaper classifieds offer no analytics. What this means is that you have no way to know if your ad is effective aside from sales. You don't know who is actually looking at your ad either. Another disadvantage to newspaper classifieds is the fact that your ad is placed in the same location as your competition. It's not a very efficient advertising technique due to this. With traditional advertising methods like the newspaper classifieds, you are faced with the fact that you must send your ad to a lot of people, and the majority of these people have no desire to purchase your product or service.

The Internet, however, steps in nicely and turns these disadvantages into advantages. There are a lot of advertising techniques using the web that are free. Since the advertising is free, you don't have to worry about the time frame in which your ad is available. You can post your ad on the Internet, and leave it there permanently or for as long as it is relevant. You can also post as many ads as you want, targeting as many different niches. Using the Internet, you have a vast array of research tools available to you. With these tools, you can research what people are looking for and what the competition is for the keywords you have chosen. When you have the proper tools to research, you can design and strategically plan your advertising campaign.

Newspapers, in general, are slowly becoming obsolete as more and more readers choose to read their news online. Likewise, newspaper classified advertising is decreasing as more and more marketers are turning towards advertising on the Internet instead. The Internet continues to grow in size and offers the greatest flexibility. The Internet offers a global audience, thus allowing your free advertising to allow you to profit immensely. Before you place your next ad, take a look at what the Internet has to offer in terms of marketing and advertising, and weigh your cost analysis between the two marketing methods.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Obtaining News on Foreign Exchange Trading

When you go into the business of trading currencies, one of the most important things you need to consider is how often you get your news on foreign exchange. Because the industry is so highly volatile and currencies change their values every so often. You need to keep updated with the ongoing trends in forex so you can plot out your next move much better and without the same high risks you might otherwise experience.

In the old days, people rely on papers and the traditional television and radio media to be updated with currency values. But these days it's easier to get your news on foreign exchange matters. The internet has made it tons easier than what it was like before. You no longer have to purchase dailies or even wait for the next issue of your foreign currency or financial magazine. All the information you need can be retrieved in just a few clicks.

Online News on Foreign Exchange

All of the major media channels and companies have also ridden the online bandwagon. There are no major media stations out there who do not have their own website where they can post every news that they have set out to cover. The reason why they did this is because people have basically been more attuned to going online when obtaining their news. It's easier to get and faster because you only need to log on the internet and have very good connection to get your dose of forex news. You can also simply hide it in tabs if you are currently doing something else.

News companies have also found that it's easier to upload things on the internet. The system works pretty much like a blogsite does, with the only difference being that online news still needed to pass through content editors before they are finally posted. But at least there's no need to layout the entire issue first and have it printed or published on paper before it comes out. Some reporters may even write down their news as it happens and directly upload it on site. Now that's what you call breaking news.

Possible Topics of News on Foreign Exchange

Aside from the changing values, there are also many other possible topics or information that you can obtain from reading news on foreign exchange. You just have to consider the fact that there are plenty of different factors that actually affect the results of currency values in the first place. Both the public and private sector are known to affect currency values in such that whatever happens to these institutions may cause inflations, among many others.

National issues may also have a profound effect on currency exchange values. People tend to hold off remittances when instabilization occurs in a particular country for fear that the economy may also be affected by the event. Things like these would very well be reported on foreign currency news and you can also expect that media would expound on this, even including insights from industry experts to shed more light on the subject.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How to Approach News Breakouts

News break outs occur upon the release of major economic announcements. When released, these events can trigger moves of sometimes over 70pips in a few minutes. When a key or major fundamental announcement is to be made, a few minutes to this time we usually notice market moving in very choppy sideways or counter trend. During this time, straddle the news positions them well ahead of the said news event to take advantage of the initial price spike. Truth is, not all news events support this strategy. Before letting you into the news events that support this strategy, let me quickly bring to your awareness that you do not need to spend up to an hour trading this very approach.

You may need to be in the market or trade for just 15minutes and you are out for profit or for a little loss. How this happens is that you need to plan ahead of time the events that require the approach. You do this by running analysis using the economic calendar. The first thing you need to consider is the time of release of the event, followed by the impact of the event. The next is to determine whether the event supports this break out strategy as well as currency pair best suited for the event and the potential it has. To determine these, you may need the resources at forepeacearmy.

The 5 minutes trader report gives a guide on how to this with precision. Having determined the above, the next thing is to come to the platform at about10 or 5 minutes before the release and set up your orders. Doing it some 5 to 3 minutes before the release helps to more than position you for greater market move and also reduce the impact of high volatility that often characterize some of the events. At this time the market is usually quiet.

Technical break out: this kind of break out occurs without any news event in sight. It can happen in the morning during the opening hours as well as in the evening time towards the close of the market. Before the market opening for certain currency pairs and market sessions, the market is usually in a very choppy mode and very quiet too. During this time, the big moves are being planned and you should learn to move along with them. Quite often the market would have defined the direction it wants to go before it becomes quiet attempting to determine where to break out. For EURUSD and GBPUSD, this can happen early morning between 8 and 10 am when there is no news.

How to position you for the big moves: the key strategies that pay

To position you for taking advantage of the big moves during the time, some order types and how to go about placing them need your attention. There are basically 2 main order types for taking advantage of market break outs and these include: the buy stop and sell stop pending order.

The buy stop order is a pending order type that allows you to place a trade at less favorable price level. This is used when you are not certain of the current price level but still speculate that it will rise. However, it is also clear to you that when it riches that certain level you are planning to get into the trade, it may be almost impossible for you to enter due in large to pressure and busy context on the platform and of course most platforms. As a result the trader decides to enter ahead at a less favorable but still considerable profitable price level. To place a buy stop order, you simply consider the current price and then place your buy stop order some pips above the current price. For example, if current price for USDJPY is at 98.800, your buy stop order could be placed at anywhere above this price, say at 98.900 or above. Take profit will be above the entry price which 98.900 0r above and may be some 20pips or more above, while stop loss is set below the entry price.

Sell stop order is simply the opposite of buy stop and is set below the current market price when it speculated that price will fall with force. It is worthy of note to state that when placing any of the order types, consideration should be given to allow some allowance in the profit targets given that entering at a less favorable price higher or above the current price would be eaten into whatever potential the market may possess. This you need to determine in your analysis particularly for news break out. For technical break out, the pivot point and Fibonacci levels will be of great help.

Written by Omotola Sunday

Important Forex News

News is what moves the markets! Do you know what sort of news is important forex news? The truth is that no one will ever know how the market will react to any piece of information. We trade by guessing; of course to make ourselves feel better we call it analysis and prediction. Let's face it folks, the important news of Forex is really a lot of guess work. There are patterns of course, but if we are so stuck on patterns then shouldn't you be looking at technical analysis instead? After all technical analysts are the ones that believe that history will always repeat itself.

I want to be totally upfront with you people. The reason that the news is traded is because people believe and fear. You see this very plainly in smaller markets like the local stocks markets. One piece of rumor can send shock waves through the market and potentially wipe away millions in seconds. In the currency markets this is not so prevalent. I am not saying that the news do not affect the movements of currencies, they do but it is only for a short moment. If you have been trading long enough and kept your eyes on the news break, you will realize that there is just so much "noise" in the markets daily. If you jump at all the smallest sounds...well you will be doing a lot of exercise then.

The only important news that really have impact in the currency pairs must be news that directly influence the economy. For example for the USD it would be the non farm payroll report. If it comes out and it shows that there has been a rise in the unemployment rate, well you can be sure that it would lead to shocks for the USD.

The important forex news can change the direction of a trend if there are a series of "bad" news or "good" news that come in one after another. For example, lets say the US reserve declares an interest cut and then the non farm payroll shows that there is growth in the economy and we end if the day if a last report that tells of US economic growth. What do you think the USD will be doing? Where do you think the USD will be headed?

These reports can and will affect the long term trend of the currency. That is the power of news. For scalpers, the news also plays a part. Unfortunately as the time frame decreases the risks increases. The reason is that the trader can only see what is in front and cannot see the larger picture. You may be trading against the larger trend for all you know!

My candid advice is to stay away from news trading unless you have a lot of money to burn. All trading plans should come together with technical and price action justifications to complete it. A sole focus on just one aspect is a ticket to failure.