Monday, February 28, 2011

The Importance of News to the Forex

Anyone who has even a cursory interest in the Forex will know that they should rely on any and all news in order to make sense of what is happening in the market. It's something essential and necessary, rather as much as breathing is to anyone. The only reason any trader would have to invest in a certain currency would be because they know what is going on in that country. It would only be a crazy person that would plunk down their money on hearsay alone!

It's wise for the beginning trader to remember that it's not only the financial news of a probable new market that must be studied. Everything is inter-related, so the social and political news, apart from the editorial opinions must be absorbed as well. It's a well-known fact that what is made known in the international scene is a highly watered-down version of what is happening inside the country, sometimes even downright wrong. The only way to gauge whether a currency is worth trading in would be to read up on the "local" news itself.

A gift that a good Forex trader has is the ability to filter and sift through the dirt and find those golden nuggets of information that would help him make a good decision. These help him read the trends which are then confirmed in the financial news section.

It's a scary thought that a single wrong decision can literally bankrupt a trader or even a brokerage firm in the blink of an eye. That's why seasoned traders don't simply pay attention to the current exchange rate (which fluctuates wildly throughout the day) but also on other seemingly unrelated activities in the stock market and the going rates of bonds and treasury bills. Put together, it would make a likely prediction on how the currency itself would react over a period of a few trading days.

If trade is not done in the local currency, one good source of information would be expert or professional commentary which would be broadcast on international financial channels. Although not gospel truth, these are the people who know the local markets inside and out so it would be wise to consider their opinions while a decision is being reached. Remember, what is happening in the local scene would definitely influence the currency more than what is happening worldwide.

Other factors that would affect the stability of the currency would be the market's reactions to financial derivatives, to securities, to the futures, and to options which are being offered at the moment. Apart from those, the breaking news is something that must be studied with frequent regularity. This is the reason why there are constant updates on the trading floor, not just the requisite first thing in the morning and review after the trading day is over.

But all those opinions will have no bearing on the fact that if the trader has absolutely no experience on the floor, the news will mean nothing more than gibberish to him. There is no better teacher than practical and actual experience.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

International News At Your Fingertips

With online TV at your disposal, getting international news round the clock becomes very convenient. While the older generation may prefer a morning dose of printed news, the new generations demand the latest updates. This has created a demand for online TV channels and news blogs. From international news to local coverage you can find everything online. With the basic PC TV software you can surf thousands of channels. You require a high-speed internet connection which is available to anyone owning a laptop or PC. Hence you get access to 24/7 breaking news in real-time. The channels start reporting events as they happen. This means that you can get your hourly, mid day or days end news fix as desired.

The main advantage of getting the current global news online is privacy. You choose what channel to watch and when to watch it. You don't have to be stuck at a coffee shop or family lounge and get snippets on an area of your interest. With online TV you can simply stream videos or check of the news blogs. It becomes very convenient especially for those who need facts from the news. There are high quality international news blog posts which are updated in real-time.

You can quote them as a source on research material. Also you will gain access and insight to the many expert views. A major reason for the popularity of online TV is that you now have high-speed internet to support this service. Where initially you had issues with the download time, these have been resolved completely. At the click of a button you can log in and find out the latest news and updates. The breaking news or international coverage is just a click away. This eliminates the need to wait for the news print to arrive in the morning with updates.

The convenience factor adds on with a PC. Since you will most likely be working on it or connecting with friends, it becomes cumbersome to switch to TV. Especially if you can get all the info online it's easier to log in and connect with a myriad of channels and reports. This is why news blogs are gaining immense popularity. You can subscribe to international news blog services. This allows you to receive email alerts for breaking news. As soon as convenient for you, you can click on the links and get the latest update.

Whether it's the quest for the current global news or a business requirement to stay in the loop on the international front, online TV lets you get both! You can truly see the power of technology as it gives you information in real-time. You don't have to pay any installation fee, subscription charges or get new hardware for this aspect of going online.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tough Talk: Bad News Delivered the Right Way

Communicating Bad News The Right Way

It's the rare executive who actually enjoys speaking before groups of people, even under the best of circumstances. Public speaking routinely ranks highest
on people's list of fears. Add the pressure of having to deliver bad news to good people,
and even the most confident executive can stumble.

Every employee has a horror story about a manager's inability to relate bad news. One new manager tried to quell questions from anxious employees about their jobs by denying the obvious: he'd been hired to make changes. When that statement was met with skepticism, he explained, "What I meant was that I'm not going to make any changes that you don't already know have to be made." Not surprisingly, his words did little to stem fear, help employee morale, or change the speed with which resumes were readied, even among those spared the ax.

Another executive withheld information about necessary layoffs right up to and including the time those layoffs were being put into effect. As employees were summoned one by one into the executive's office, word began to spread through the employee grapevine like wildfire. Rumors flew out of control. One fired employee began calling workers who were not present, with erroneous news they too were about to be fired. So badly had the executive handled the situation, security guards had to be called in to handle growing employee anger and frustration, right in the presence of visiting clients.

To be sure, these are extreme, real-life examples of bad news communicated badly. However, even the announcement of difficult changes can be handled well by executives, if those announcements are handled honestly, appropriately, and with open and clear communication.

It makes no sense for executives whose workplaces are filled with rumor to stay silent. Yet many executives do just that, fearing that anything they say will only add to the anxiety. The first rule of communicating about change in the workplace is the same rule used in crisis communications: tell what you know when you know it.

Even if what you do know, or are allowed to say is limited, you will do yourself and your employees a great deal of good by setting the stage for open communication early. This gives executives an opportunity to learn of employee concerns and to squelch unfounded rumors at the outset. Even more importantly, it allows executives to communicate an understanding of those concerns to employees.

That will go a long way in giving both employees who are impacted, and those who are not, more confidence that their interests are being taken into account.

Executives should also use care and attention with the words and tone they use, along with how those words are likely to be perceived. Executives uncomfortable with the emotions involved in delivering unpleasant news often choose to present a simple recitation of the facts, in a neutral tone. While it's important to let employees know what is happening, and why, its equally important executives acknowledge the real pain those changes are causing. Don't assume workers know how you feel. Workers need to hear executives empathize about the impact of difficult decisions, and acknowledge their worth and contributions.

Executives need to find as many ways as possible to help ease the blow of bad news for all employees, those who might be downsized or reassigned, as well as those left behind. Communicating about any and all options available for employees helps ease the feelings of helplessness and frustration, among those most impacted by change. For those left behind, honest communication about new job duties or increased responsibilities will go a long way toward rebuilding morale and confidence.

Bad news doesn't have to be communicated badly. Honest, clear and powerful communication can help pave the way for a new beginning.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Breaking News - World to End in 2012!

 Much has been written and spoken about the year 2012 and, as that year approaches, much more will be. Modern day prophets have predicted the coming Apocalypse and based their suppositions upon ruminations regarding the end of the Mayan Calendar, cryptic passages from the writings of Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, and an alleged celestial alignment of the galactic and solar planes in that year. Additionally, NASA scientists have indicated that a solar storm will reach Earth in 2012 with potentially devastating impact upon electrical power grids worldwide, and other researchers have theorized that a polar shift could occur at approximately that time. With so many potential catastrophes on the horizon, is it likely that 2012 will be the end?
Throughout documented history, seers, prophets, and ordinary people have concluded that the world was coming to an end in their lifetimes. Following the crucifixion of Jesus, his followers believed that his return and establishment of his Kingdom on earth was imminent. And, throughout the intervening centuries, many have perceived signs that led them to predict the coming end.
Some have calculated a specific date or time period for that end. In the U.S., one of the most famous instances of this phenomenon occurred in the 1800's. In approximately 1823, William Miller, a Baptist preacher and founder of what would become the Seventh Day Adventist Church, studied Biblical prophesy and concluded that Christ's Second Coming and the end of the world would occur sometime between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. When the year between those dates came and went, his movement, that grew in the years leading up to his predicted end into a national campaign, modified their predictions - ultimately settling upon October 22, 1844 as the final day. That day would come to be known as the Millerites' "Great Disappointment," and William Miller would continue to await the world's end until his death in 1849.
Of course, end times prophecy did not end with William Miller. The approaching new millennium produced the perfect conditions for the revival of prognostication regarding the end of the world. With the 1970 publication of "The Late, Great Planet Earth," written by Hal Lindsey and Carole Carlson, predicting the world's end became an industry unto itself. Hal Lindsey has since written numerous other books on the same subject and is a fixture in cable television network produced documentaries about end times. Televangelists preach the world's end, the coming or present Tribulation, and Christ's imminent Return - all the while raking in huge contributions from their followers.
Setting aside the fact that the predictions of all end times prognosticators to date have been erroneous and considering that there are some reputable scientists who foresee impending disasters in the not too distant future, might not 2012 be the end? The real answer is that it doesn't matter. All of us will experience the end of our own worlds at the times of our deaths. If 2012 ends the worlds of everyone at once, there is nothing that anyone will be able to do about it.

Yet, if there is a growing belief that 2012 may indeed be the end, perhaps it may cause many to reevaluate their lives, to consider the things that are most important, to say the things they have always wanted to say, and to become the best expression of the people they have always wanted to be.  Perhaps, people around the world collectively will come to an epiphany in the realization that our world is but an infinitesimal part of the universe and that the survival of any of us in intimately interconnected with that of all others.  And, if enough of us are transformed in this way, maybe the Mayans had it right, and 2012 will end the old world and begin the new.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


ข่าวคอฟฟี่เริ่มต้นโดย Jean Daum, ในวินนิเพก, แคนาดาเป็นข่าวสิ่งพิมพ์รายสัปดาห์ที่ถูกส่งไปยังร้านอาหาร, ร้านกาแฟ, ร้านของขวัญ, โมเต็ลและร้านอาหารและร้านค้าขนาดเล็กอื่น ๆ ข่าวคอฟฟี่ถูกสร้างขึ้นเพื่อนำเสนอจำนวนเงินขนาดเล็กกัดของข่าวและการโฆษณาให้กับลูกค้าของแต่ละร้านและถูกสร้างขึ้นตามความเชื่อที่ว่าเมื่อข้อมูลการบริโภคและการโฆษณาในปริมาณน้อย ๆ ที่คุณได้ผลตอบแทนที่ดีกว่า

ข่าวกาแฟได้ประโยชน์ให้กับผู้โฆษณาในท้องถิ่นที่มีขนาดใหญ่สิ่งพิมพ์ไม่สามารถนำเสนอ โฆษณาที่มีราคาแพงน้อยกว่าพวกเขามีความพิเศษของผู้โฆษณาในพื้นที่ของพวกเขาสัปดาห์มีการโฆษณาใช้โฆษณาจะมีการอ่านสามครั้งต่อวันเป็นคนที่กินอาหารที่แตกต่างกันทุกขนาดของโฆษณาที่มีการเปิดรับงานเดียวกันและช่วยให้ผู้อ่านมักจะอ่าน พิมพ์ทั้งหมดเนื่องจากขนาดที่เล็กก็

ส่วนหนึ่งที่ไม่ซ้ำกับธุรกิจนี้เป็นบ้านตามธรรมชาติ แฟรนไชส์นี้ถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อให้คนเพื่อเริ่มต้นการประกาศ Desktop บริษัท จากที่บ้าน เช่นเดียวกับแฟรนไชส์ใด ๆ ที่คุณได้เข้าสู่ระบบที่มีการพิสูจน์ในการทำงาน จากข้อความโฆษณา, การพิมพ์รูปแบบที่ติดต่อผู้ขายสหกรณ์การตลาด, slicks โฆษณาและสนับสนุนกาแฟข่าวแฟรนไชส์ช่วยให้คุณสามารถเริ่มต้นด้วยการไม่มีประสบการณ์

ระบบแฟรนไชส์นี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งทางธุรกิจที่ดีเวลาสำหรับคนที่ต้องการให้บางรายได้เสริม แต่ดูที่รูปแบบมันจะถูก จำกัด การเติบโตของคุณจะประสบความสำเร็จ ในระดับท้องถิ่นสิ่งพิมพ์คุณจะถูก จำกัด ให้ความสามารถในการเติบโตทั้งในประเทศและจะไม่มีความสามารถที่จะขยายเกินกว่า 20 ใบอนุญาต

ค่าใช้จ่ายสำหรับค่าแฟรนไชส์คือ $ 8000 และเป็นสิ่งที่ดีสำหรับสี่ปี นอกเหนือจากค่าธรรมเนียมหน้าไปคุณจะจ่ายเงินค่าต่อเนื่องของ $ 80 ต่อสัปดาห์สำหรับคุณจะได้รับใบอนุญาตแต่ละ

มันเป็นสิ่งสำคัญในการรองรับการประเมินทุกธุรกิจก่อนการตัดสินใจ ทำความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับจุดแข็งและจุดอ่อนของแบบจำลองจะช่วยให้คุณไปยังตำแหน่งตัวเองความสำเร็จของธุรกิจมากกว่าความล้มเหลวทางธุรกิจ

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blogging News

News blogging is on the rise today. This is mostly contributed to the rapid spread of information on the internet. Here, we focus upon the biggest mishaps that are done during the time of development of blogging news.

The first mishap while blogging news is done in the form of writing more than what is required. This tends to be problematic because of two reasons. Firstly, it makes a person more prone to making grammatical, spelling mistakes and secondly, it can make a person write that extra piece of information that is not usually required in that particular news. For example, if a news blog is to be published where just an extra piece of information will make the entire aspect of the news different, in that case if a person does word padding, he is prone to change the real story line.

Since in news blog, a person is required to post the information that he has gathered from many sources, he creates his own version of blogging news which may not be authentic and reliable to be trusted upon. Moreover, a person may even try to mention his/her perspective in the news blog post which may be taken up by people as a matter of heated discussion and they might put up tough comments against the blogger.

Another blunder made by the blogger is not to update the blogging news. This leaves the readers more prone to reading that information which is old and not regularly updated. For example, in some blast, the number of deaths may be different at the time of blast and 2 days after the blast. Hence it is required to keep the blog post updated.

Clever news bloggers are often seen to link their website pages with RSS subscription feed of many news websites. In this case, they remain updated and hence can provide better results for blogging news than those bloggers who have not subscribed to the RSS feeds of news blogging websites.

To conclude the passage on biggest blunders seen in news blogging, it must be pointed that some bloggers may also take the help of the blogs of the mainstream journalists' blogs in writing their blogging news. This is not a good idea because every journalist has a different point of view. Hence it is advised to always keep your references limited to newspapers and websites.

Monday, February 21, 2011

อาการซึมเศร้า : วิธีการดูข่าว

บางครั้งหนึ่งในสิ่งที่ยากที่สุดที่ต้องทำเมื่อคุณทุกข์ทรมานจากภาวะซึมเศร้าคือการดูข่าว ในการเห็นแก่ความรู้สึกนี้เวลาของมันในบางครั้งอาจจะยากที่จะดูข่าวโดยไม่ต้องให้มันไปส่งอยู่ลึกเข้าไปในภาวะซึมเศร้าของคุณ มีบางสิ่งที่ต้องทำเพื่อที่จะไม่ถูกต้องทุกข์ทรมานจากการที่

แรกคือการบัฟเฟอร์ข่าว บางสิ่งบางอย่างดูตลกก่อน ตั้งแต่ข่าวมักจะสิ้นสุดในวันที่บันทึก upbeat, ที่ควรจะเก็บอารมณ์ของคุณขึ้น เทคนิคอีกประการหนึ่งคือการทำบางสิ่งบางอย่างในขณะที่คุณดูข่าวเพื่อให้คุณไม่ใช้จ่ายทั้งหมดของการโฟกัสของคุณในข่าว อ่านหนังสือหรือทำคำไขว้ในขณะที่ดูข่าว โดยเน้นการข่าวอย่างเดียวคุณจะมีโอกาสมากที่คุณจะอนุญาตให้ปรับอารมณ์ของคุณ โดยให้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งเท่านั้นของความสนใจของคุณคุณสามารถคงความรู้สึกของคุณน้อยมาก คุณยังสามารถชมอื่นข่าวกับใครบางคน ด้วยวิธีนี้คุณมีใครบางคนกับคนที่คุณสามารถพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับสิ่งที่คุณเห็นซึ่งอาจช่วยให้คุณสามารถที่จะปล่อยความวิตกกังวลว่าคุณจะรู้สึกใด ๆ

บางครั้งดูโทรทัศน์ข่าวที่เป็นอันตรายมากขึ้นกว่าที่เป็นประโยชน์ อินเทอร์เน็ตช่วยให้คุณได้รับข่าวสารเมื่อใดก็ตามที่คุณต้องการและที่อาจจะทำงานได้ดีขึ้น ทั้ง Google และ yahoo มีเว็บไซต์ข่าวที่ครบวงจรและ บริษัท เช่น New York Times และซีเอ็นเอ็นยังคงการแสดงผลเว็บที่กว้างขวาง มันจะช่วยให้คุณสามารถดูเวลาที่ข่าวเล็ก ๆ ที่และได้รับการพาดหัวโดยไม่จำเป็นต้องได้รับข้อมูลมากเกินไป

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to Get Your Press Release Into Google News

There are a few ways you can get your PR to show up in Google news. By having your press release in Google news not only gives your site higher authority but also makes it look more professional, along with many other benefits. In this article ill discuss a few tips on how you can get your press release to show up in Google news and additional Benefits.

For those not familiar with press release promotion, it is a perfect way to headline a new product launch or any important news you have about your business or website. So if you have either of these obviously you want the word to get out for more traffic and sales. By having a well written and optimized release will not be efficient by itself. You also need to make sure you are submitting the release to authority PR websites.

By creating a well written release it is important that the PR is at least 750 words and you try to cover one single subject as covering multiple subjects' kind of defeats the whole purpose of a PR. Before you write your PR you have to decide which keyword or search term you want your release to get listed in Google for. Once you have decided the keyword it is best to use that keyword somewhere in the PR title, and as some PR websites allow hyperlinks also use that keyword as a hyperlink. Lastly you should try to have a keyword density of the word you choose to be around 2% and no more than 3%.

Moving on to which sites you should submit your PR to, there are quite a few authority sites and by submitting to these if your PR is a well written and optimized normally Google news will automatically cache your PR from that authority site and you will then see your press release in Google news. Another important thing to keep in mind is to submit your press release in the morning as it is more likely to be read in the morning. is one press release that I have noticed gets listed in Google news quite often.

There are quite a few benefits of being listed in Google news, first your search engine rankings for the keyword that you have chosen if normally improved, even if it is temporary this will bring in a boost of traffic. Along with that depending on the amount of sites you submit your release to you get additional backlinks. Normally if you have an article listed in Google news depending on the keyword you are using you can expect a good boost in traffic for about a week, that's why a press release is a great way to promote your website or new product.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Latest News on Coffee and Health

You win some and you lose some is a common phrase, one that the coffee bean recently experienced in regards to women's health. Two reports released this month both involved the health effects of coffee on female health. One report coffee was not too fond of and, the other, coffee liked a lot, or, should I say, a latte.

The coffee cup was half empty when researchers published at article in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology that spoke of the correlation between coffee and miscarriage risk. Drinking coffee, the report states, during pregnancy can increase the chance that a woman will miscarry. This is worse news for news that was already bad: regardless of coffee consumption habits, 20 percent of pregnancies end in a miscarriage.

But, unfortunately for java lovers, coffee could make this worse.

The recent research states that women who drink coffee while pregnant nearly double their chances of not taking their baby to term. The research isn't, however, purely out to grind coffee: soda, tea, hot chocolate, sports drinks, or anything with caffeine can add to an increased risk. These findings are reported to have doctors split between telling their pregnant patients not to drink caffeine or telling them simply not to drink it in excess. Regardless of what is decided, caffeine, if not cut out of the diet all together, should be kept to a minimum.

Luckily for coffee, not all of the recently reported news was bad for the bean.

Another report released this month by US researchers stated that drinking caffeine appears to lower the women's risk of developing ovarian cancer. This is particularly true, it appears, in women who have already gone through menopause and for those who have never used oral birth control. It was concluded that the more caffeine consumed the lower the risk. Still, this doesn't mean women should drink four hundred cups of coffee a day: excessive use of caffeine can cause a whole slug of other problems.

Ovarian cancer is most common in women over 50. It remains a particularly volatile form of cancer because - unlike cervical cancer - no test exists to detect precancerous cells and prevent them from forming. Ovarian cancer also does not usually possess a plethora of symptoms in its early stages, making its diagnosis particularly evasive. When it is caught in its final stages, the outlook is particularly dire.

The research for the ovarian cancer and caffeine link was based on a study of 121,000 women between the ages of 30 and 35. While regular coffee proved beneficial, decaffeinated did not.

Friday, February 18, 2011

News Writing - How To Write A Sports Report In 4 Steps

News writing style is just as important for sports reporting as it is for general news, business stories or any other journalistic work.

The advantage of sports writing is that you are allowed a little it more leeway in your choice of words. In crime or business writing, you are restricted in your use of adjectives and adverbs and are encouraged to focus more on nouns and verbs.

Sports writing, however, allows you to go to town in describing plays, the atmosphere, fans and other colorful aspects of a sporting event.

For this article, we will go through, step by step, how to write a straightforward sports report using quotes.

Ideally, any sports story would have quotes from the winners and losers. Indeed, many sports articles are written around what athletes say rather than what they have achieved on the field of play.

However, you also have sports articles written without quotes. When rookies learn how to write like a journalist, especially in sport, they are likely to come across the structure that we will show you here.

We will adapt the NBA game between Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers on April 1 as our example article.

1. Intro - the most important news aspect of a sports game is the score. Who won? How did they win and what effect did the victory have? Also important is whether we are writing from a Boston perspective or Cleveland. In this case, we will go with Cleveland.

"Cleveland Cavaliers lost 98-96 to the Boston Celtics after Delonte West's sank two free throws in the final seconds, dropping three and a half games behind the Pistons for the best record in the Eastern Conference."

2. More info - The above is enough for those who have a passing interest in the sport. However, NBA fans would want more information and you could give it to them in one or two paragraphs.

"The Cavaliers were without star player LeBron James, suffering from a knee injury, while the Celtics were minus Paul Pierce. Gerald Green led the way for Celtics with 25 points while Kendrick Perkins had 12 points and nine rebounds.

The Cavaliers, for whom Larry Hughes scored 24 with Sasha Pavlovic scoring 17, have already qualified for the play-offs while Boston are out of the running."

3. Quote - This is where you can provide a quote from the coach or a key player from both teams. You can precede each saying with a lead-in paragraph or go straight into the quote.

"Celtic forward Al Jefferson, said: 'They were missing their best player and we were missing our best play. We just stuck in there.'

Cavs coach Mike Brown said James' absence was a key factor in their loss.

'We miss LeBron. We miss LeBron every time he doesn't play. He's our guy,' said Brown."

4. The rest - Once you got the main information and key quotes out of the way, you can go on to describe the game. Even better would be to describe just one or two plays and include more quotes.

The thinking behind sports articles is that people would have watched the game on TV anyway and would not want boring game description. Therefore, quotes from the people who matter, such as athletes and coaches, would offer better reading value.

There are many types of sports news writing that is offered around the world everyday. We have merely showed you its simplest form. Certainly, it is a rewarding form of news writing for journalists who love their sport. And the structure they use allow them to adapt their skills to any type of journalism writing.

News Profiteer Review

Henry Liu is not a savant by the regular definition books of Forex trading, He has never traded for any bank, or directly even for a trader but he has smartly panned out his Forex trading ideas in a way that it is helping many retail Forex traders get the best out of their business. His news profiteer system bases itself on fundamental news releases. He tries and sees the entire Forex trading through different eyes. According to him there is always the technical angle present to a trader. It makes him evaluate various lines of market trends, and candlestick charts. Further there are the Fibonacci retracements to consider. The technical angles though, do not prepare a trader for few market uncertainties. There is also the mental angle, one which lets a trader gain a toehold on associated baits of money which results in excess greed and fear.

Henry Liu believes that the entire trading market with all its experience miss out on a very precious dictum. It is thought about a hundred thousand times but trade pundits deliberately give it a miss. It is fundamental news trading. Henry Liu, in his newsletter tries to give such fundamentally tradable news and his neutral views on their impact. According to him market impact of such news is unexpectedly high and yet the boardroom dividend declarations and important mergers get a miss in the trader's book. So Liu in his news profiteer review gives all neutral review on tradable news, those which have a high impact on market and adds details of trade inclusive of time of news release, related figures and course of action after the new is out; whether it is time to sell or buy.

In his e-book he prescribes great ways to always remain on the better flank of the system and generate as many as 25-30 pips per trade. The news profiteer system aims to eliminate the inconsistency gradient associated with trading and effectively does so. People especially love it when Henry Liu focuses on a number lesser or greater than the amount of pips. It is then that his erudition in the field comes to the fore. He can trade London, he can trade Nikkei and within any possible timeframe. The good part is, through his news profiteer review he lets us trade as well and profit from it. 25-30 pips per trade are no mean business and it is all possible by paying heed to fundamental news releases.

Henry Liu suggests that there are two kinds of traders; those who learn all the technical jargon of the subjects and understand its execution. Such people grace forums and online trade rooms but there is never enough shekels in there live accounts. Others who only understand the theory of rally and correction, support and resistance but learn the effect of fundamental news on world Forex trade and end up being the eventual winners. News profiteer helps you get the best knowledge of market cycles, precise times for entry and exit from the markets and much more. Believe in the power of news release and you will draw shekels you never thought possible.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coffee News Franchise Review

Coffee news started, by Jean Daum, in Winnipeg, Canada is a weekly news publication that is delivered to restaurants, coffee shops, gift shops, motels and other small eateries and shops.  Coffee news was created to offer small bite size amounts of news and advertising to the customers of individual stores and was built upon the belief that when consuming information and advertising in small amounts you have a better return.

Coffee news has benefits to local advertisers that larger print publications cannot offer.  The ads are less expensive, they advertiser has exclusivity in their area the week there ad is running, ads are being read three times per day as people are eating different meals, all ad sizes are the same allowing fair exposure and the reader typically reads the entire print due to it's small size. 

One unique component to this business is the home based nature.  This franchise was designed to allow a person to start a desktop publishing company from home.  As with any franchise you have access to the system that has proven to work.  From ad copy, to print layout, vendor contacts, marketing cooperatives, ad slicks and support the Coffee News Franchise allows you to start with no experience. 

This franchise system is a good part time business for someone looking to make some extra income.  However, looking at the model it is limited to the growth you can achieve.  As a local publication you will be limited to your ability to grow locally and will not have the ability to expand beyond 20 licenses.

The cost for the franchise fee is $8000 and is good for four years.  In addition to the up front fee you will pay an ongoing fee of $80 per week for each license you are awarded. 

It is important to fully evaluate all businesses prior to making a decision.  Understanding the strengths and the weaknesses of the model will allow for you to position yourself for business success rather than business failure.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All About News

Today, everybody is in a hurry! The internet provides us with so much information that we can't even imagine. Let's not talk about how many different news sites offer us different categories for all tastes and how we are having trouble finding only the information of interest to us.

Google made the first step into sorting the information .Their news portal is up to date; it's clean and easy to use. They even offer rss and a custom display for each user.Personally I don't think is enough! At this point in time we have to deal with to much information and our brain is just not ready yet to resist and memorize all of it.

So we have to think at an alternative way to make the best out of it. The human factor should not be taken lightly. Thousands of people can make the difference. Imagine that all of them like a site and are willing to post only the important news on it. They contribute by voting and selecting the good from the bad. A sort of a blog , but this kind of site can have a heavy scripting in the back. I won't tell you names but I'm sure you will came across such a site one of this days and you will love it for sure.

A script is just a script. It will always have a small backdoor or a way to be exploited. The human factor has an important roll and can be decisive in the success of a news site.

The RSS viewers are a good solution to display your favorite news. There are a bunch of them offered for free and they can be used with ease. You can see the news on your desktop and they can be configured to show you the updates in real time. With all this in mind you have to think what's best for you and how to make sure your time is well spent.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting Into Google and Yahoo News

According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 50 million Americans get news online on any given day. In comparison, only 27 million Americans watch network TV news on a typical evening. The Internet is quickly becoming the preferred news source over television, magazines, and trade publications.

News web sites like Yahoo News, Google News and MSNBC Searchbot receive millions of visitors every day. If fact, Yahoo News ranks ahead of and even, while Google News ranks ahead of and the

You can tap into these massive traffic sources through the use of press releases. Additional benefits of distributing your press release include possible media exposure, pickup of your release in online publications, increased link popularity to your web site, additional search engine rankings on your target keywords, and increased traffic to your web site.

However, there's much more to press release marketing than simply whipping up an article and sending it out to the world. You must take time to optimize your press release properly.

Press releases should be optimized in much the same way that search engine optimization specialists optimize ordinary web pages to achieve higher rankings. In doing so, you will receive much higher visibility.

For example, one press release from resulted in 2,200 visitors and 5 interview requests by journalists. This is the power of a highly optimized press release.

Listed below is an outline of how to create an optimized press release for your own website and how to distribute it for maximum exposure.

The first and most important element is to search for keywords and phrases that are likely to deliver qualified leads to your website. A good press release combines targeted keywords with creative writing that makes for a compelling read.

To find these lucrative keyword phrases, begin brainstorming what people would search for when looking for your products. If your products or services are targeted to a particular geographic area, you might want to include these locations in your keyword phrases as well. It is best to target up to 3 keyword phrases.

Once you have done this, you can head on over to to do some additional keyword research. Simply type in your list of potential keyword phrases and this tool will give you a list of related keywords and how many times they are searched for per day. This information can aid you in choosing which keyword phrases will bring your press release the highest amount of exposure.

Now that you have chosen the best possible keywords, it's time to integrate these targeted keyword phrases into your press release. You should include your keywords in the headline, the title, sub-headings and the first two paragraphs. Search engines place much of their emphasis on the title and the beginning paragraphs.

Your title should reflect your strongest keywords, not the name of the company. Include local modifiers if possible. Although it's often nice to see your company's name in print, it's unlikely to bring you the exposure you deserve. Instead, use targeted search phrases that are likely to be used by your potential customers.

You should also optimize your press release by integrating targeted links within the content. Many press release distribution services and news wires now offer the option of purchasing a hyperlink. You simply convert a keyword phrase within the release into an active hyperlink. This will increase search engine visibility for that keyword phrase and also drive additional traffic back to your website.

Where to Send Your Press Release

There are a wide variety of places that will allow you to syndicate your press release. However, there are only a select few that you really need to focus on. Here are some distributors that will help you get the exposure you deserve.

In addition to press releases, you can also get your content into Google and Yahoo news directly. If you publish frequent news and articles, your site may very well qualify as a news source.

You can submit your site for inclusion to Google News at . However, keep in mind that Google is looking for sites with an editorial review process and multiple contributors. If you are accepted, Google Newsbot will hit your site very frequently and you will receive an extra stream of quality traffic to your web site.

You can also suggest your news site be added to the Yahoo News index. Simply go to and fill out the form.

Besides syndicating your press releases online, you should also seek exposure offline. You do this by building a media list of local newspapers, trade journals, magazines, web sites, radio and television shows.

If you want media coverage, you must identify target publications and their editorial calendars. Send journalists and editors personal emails with pitches on your story.

You can begin building your own media list at,, and

I have one last tip on getting into Google News. To quickly get your articles into the Google News search engine simply perform a search on Google News for relevant keywords, take note of the sites that are getting picked up and find out if any of them allow you to submit articles or press releases. If so, you have found a direct pathway to getting your content into Google News.

One of these places can be found at Simply visit the site and scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on the link that says "submit work". From there you can sign up to be a contributor.

If accepted as a contributor, you will then be able to submit articles along with your picture. Many of their articles are syndicated on Google News and are available to the millions of searchers who go to Google News each and every day.

Now that you know how to optimize your press releases and articles for maximum exposure, I urge you to begin an aggressive press campaign to increase exposure to your brand, gain quality inbound links, and increase your website traffic.

Top News For 2008

2008 was a crazy year for everyone. Here is a quick run down of the top news stories of 2008:

The Election of President Barack Obama: On November 4, 2008 Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States. He is the first African American President in the country's history and the significance of his taking the oath of office on slave-built steps on January 20, 2009 was not lost on those who attended the events or watched the ceremony on television. President Obama has been busy since being sworn in: closing Guantanamo Bay, passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act, redefining ethics for his administration and setting a tone of "I will be held accountable for what I do and I will always be up front in my decision making." The theme for his administration is transparency and accountability and so far he seems to be living up to his promise.

The Crashing of the United States Economy: The stock market plummeted just days before the 2008 US Presidential Election making news in both the economic and political spectrum: less than twenty four hours before the crash, John McCain had insisted that the United States' economy was strong. Some say that this might have been the final nail in the coffin of McCain's doomed campaign. The news did not stop with the crashing of the stock market. The market somehow kept diving, prompting some to ask "does the Dow ever run out of points?" It will cost the federal government more than one trillion dollars to fix all of the damage done in the crash.

Oil Prices Dropping: When the news broke of the oil companies' insanely high profits in a single quarter, many people decided that they were tired of funding oil companies and turned to other modes of transportation: mass transit, bicycles and even walking. This led to the crash of oil prices and the price of gasoline went from almost four dollars per gallon to less than one dollar and fifty cents per gallon in some areas. The prices have since leveled out at just fewer than two dollars per gallon.

The Russia-Georgia War: The nations of Russia and Georgia made news in 2008 when they went to war against each other for five days. The war was started with a Georgian artillery strike on the newly forming South Ossetia region. Russia fought back by invading Georgian territory which made their relationship even less stable.

Other major news stories of 2008 included the death of Heath Ledger (who accidentally overdosed on sleeping and anti-anxiety medication), the never ending Iraq war, the rise and fall of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, the terrorism in Mumbai, and the passing of Prop 8 in California by the exact same margin that the state elected Barack Obama President.

2008 was an exciting news year and 2009 is already off to a great start with the Israeli-Hamas conflict, President Obama's inauguration, and the slow rebuilding of the United States economy.

Just the Facts: Best Santa Barbara News Sources

Newspapers are the hub of any city's existence. They report the most relevant local news, provide classified ads, and feature any special events taking place locally, among many other useful services. The only question left to ask is this: what's the most useful and reliable news source in the city of Santa Barbara? Below, I talk a little bit about the two most popular newspapers in the area and why you should be reading them.

The two powerhouse newspapers in the area are the Santa Barbara News-Press and the Santa Barbara Independent. Both have headquarters in central downtown, both operate large and successful online versions of their papers, and both have a solid base of readers. So what sets them apart from each other, exactly? How do two major newspapers manage to stay in business simultaneously in a one-horse town like Santa Barbara?

The Santa Barbara News-Press has been in business for sixty years, originally founded by publisher T.M. Storke. News-Press prides itself on reporting on critical issues happening in the county with speed, accuracy, and quality. Today, they continue to involve themselves in the happenings of SB by supporting local organizations and sponsoring over 100 community events. Both the print version and the online version of the News-Press are popular, with thousands of subscribers keeping up-to-date on local events, news, and more.

Santa Barbara Independent's motto is "Who. What. Now.", reflecting on both its thorough examination of local news and its up-to-the-minute reporting of breaking stories. The Independent is fresher to the scene than its competitor; it swiftly approaches its twenty-fifth year of life. Nonetheless, this newspaper has built a solid reputation for itself that rivals the more traditional News-Press. The Independent promises many of the same things as its major rival and also boasts the most extensive calendar of local events. They jumped on the online news bandwagon in 1997 but only began the community news, arts, and entertainment portal in 2007. The Independent separates itself from the SB News-Press by having a greater focus on arts and entertainment in the area.

So which one should you choose? It depends on what you're looking for. SB Independent is great for folks interested in exploring the local culture and arts scene, while the News-Press is less specialized and provides a broader scope of information about general Santa Barbara happenings. Try picking both up sometime soon and subscribe to the one that truly meets your needs after you compare and contrast.