Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Online Internet Business Opportunity

I talk with many people who are seeking an online internet business opportunity. Unfortunately their minds emphasize the "opportunity" part and discount the "business" aspect of their desire. There are so many get-rich scams on the Internet now days that almost no one is immune from their influence. An online business should be treated as just that...a business!

The vast majority of people interested in an online Internet business opportunity simply do not have a clue as to the amount of effort required simply to get started. The scams are all promising that people can build an Internet business and make "thousands" per week...or even per day...with only a few hours per week. They promise the opportunity is simply there for the taking and anyone can type a few ads and have an Internet business. Nothing could be further from the truth!

An Internet business does offer almost unlimited potential with little monetary risk to get started. However, the opportunity comes with heavy prices of time and effort if one is to build a successful Internet business. There are many skills which must be learned before the online opportunity is accessible. Just as with any other business, the time spent learning the skills does not pay.

Imagine yourself dreaming of the opportunity to be an airlines pilot. First you must go to grounds school and spend many hours studying (without pay!). Then for an opportunity to fly a large airliner, you would have to spend countless hours practicing in smaller planes...all for no pay! Everyone understands this. I wonder why almost no one can see that the same kinds of dues are required when seeking an online Internet business opportunity.

In order to succeed with an Internet business, one simply must know the basic skills involved. The most important one is web design. It amazes me the numbers of people looking for an online Internet business opportunity for themselves but are not willing to spend the time learning web design! Imagine wanting to be a housing contractor but not knowing how to use power tools!

Yes, the opportunity with an online Internet business is tremendous. But it is only available for those willing to spend the time learning the ropes and building some basic skills. I tell beginners it will take about a year of hard work before any real success can be seen coming at the end of the tunnel. If one is not willing to put that much time in for the rewards an online Internet business opportunity has to offer, it is best to not even start.

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